My Aged Care 1800 200 422 This leaflet has been developed and endorsed by: CMYK: C98 M0 Y59 K0 PMS 3285 Quality Aged Care Action Group Incorporated QACAG Special thanks to the Fairfield Liverpool Elders and the Aboriginal community in the Blacktown/ Nepean area for their help in developing this leaflet. This profile of the Greek cultural community is one of the projects undertaken by the Community Partners Program (CPP). Brochures & Posters Brochures & Posters. Part of a collection: My Aged Care – Assessor Portal Resources, My Aged Care – Service Provider Portal Resources. Aged & Co-ordinated Care Services PRONIA provides programs to meet the health and care needs of frail elderly, people with disabilities and their carers. There are two ways you can contact My Aged Care, depending on your preference, by phone or online. Για να λάβετε τις υπηρεσίες μας, εγγραφείτε στην My Aged Care μέσω της Γραμμής Άμεσης Επικοινωνίας: 1800 200 422 ή στη διεύθυνση Χρειάζεστε βοήθεια για να κάνετε εγγραφή; With the right help, everyone can live much longer and more fulfilling lives in the comfort of their own home. We bring in qualified staff to help people bathe, cook, clean or even go to the shops and church. They can provide you with information on aged care for yourself, a family member, friend or someone you’re caring for. Minimising Restraint in Home Services storyboard and user guide. Aged Care in Australia . Call Be today on 1300 761 011 to speak to one of our friendly staff, or visit our Frequently Asked Questions to learn more. READ MORE. It means clients can feel understood, communicate their care needs clearly and celebrate their traditions and religious customs without feeling uncomfortable. My Aged Care . Brochures & Posters Brochures & Posters. There are many options to consider when it comes to Aged Care in Australia. Read more. Recent Posts. Steps to Enter an Aged Care Home. Link: My Aged Care website. All rights reserved. Commission on 1800 951 822. Customize your brochure to showcase your facilities, rates, insurance options, and more through the use of photos, text, graphics, and other elements. The Charter of Aged Care Rights provides the same rights to all consumers, regardless of the type of Australian Government funded care and services they receive. Our business hours are 9-5 Monday to Friday. The Storyboards and User Guides for this series are combined into one resource. This information is: quality-assured and reliable, up-to-date, locally relevant and easy to understand. If you are not currently registered, we can help you through this process. No one receives training on … The Fronditha Care Brokerage Program was established to assist mainstream agencies in providing culturally and linguistically responsive service to older people of Greek speaking background. Our multicultural Volunteer Visiting Program is for seniors and people with disabilities living in their own homes or in aged care facilities and either experience or are at risk of experiencing social isolation. What to do now: Call us on 1300 782 896. As our client base is mostly Greek, we specialise in maintaining a Greek speaking workforce. It provides information about how an advoca… My Aged Care My Life My Family My Way My Kefi I have choices to help me live a life with kefi. Resource Type. The groups meet weekly, with activities designed to promote physical and emotional wellbeing while encouraging independence and active ageing. A friend or a family member can speak to My Aged Care on your behalf by becoming your representative . To support the aged care sector, the Commission has developed a range of storyboards that are designed to illustrate key behaviours and priority issues. Transitional Housing Placement Program (THPP): for youth aged 16-18. Minimising Restraint in Home Services storyboard and user guide. Feel free to view the brochures online or order copies to be mailed to your home or office. New Greek App . The ministry of St. My Aged Care is the entry point to access aged care services and information about: • the different types of aged care services available • your eligibility for services • referrals to service providers that can meet your needs • your contribution to the cost of your aged care. The My Aged Care website and national contact centre have been established by the Australian Government to help you navigate the aged care system. The California Smog Check Program requires vehicles that were manufactured in 1976 or later to participate in the biennial (every two years) smog check program in participating counties. Learn More. Link: Home Care Today website. 2. 130 Croydon St Lakemba NSW 2195. While there are a variety of folding options for your brochure, the most common fold patterns are the bi-fold and tri-fold. Anything you want to know about what’s going on or what is available to you is on the My Aged Care website. Here’s a frightening fact: the average pre-school aged child receives only 32 positive messages each day but over 400 negative messages! Hindi - Brochure - SA1227 Number of copies. Head Office & Self Care Units. Lourantos Village (Hostel) 300 Haldon St Lakemba NSW 2195. Fronditha Care’s Social Support Groups are a chance for older people from a Greek speaking background to socialise and reconnect with others. When you’ve got a lot to say, brochures are the way to go. 16 Anzed Court, If you would like to discuss transferring your existing Home Care Package to PRONIA, please call our Coordinator on (03) 9388 9998 during business hours. My Aged Care Τηλ. > ECCV, © 2014 by Fronditha Care. St. You can also call Monday to Friday, 8 am to 8 pm, and Saturday, 10 am to 2 pm. Long-Term Care Ombudsman CRISISline. : 1800 200 422 Web: 1800 951 822 Πληροφορίες για τους καταναλωτές υπηρεσιών φροντίδας ηλικιωμένων, τις οικογένειές τους, τους φροντιστές και τους εκπροσώπους τους 10 January 2021 . T: 1800 200 422. COVID-19 outbreaks in Australian residential aged care facilities – 8 January 2021. Do you find the Aged Care System confusing? Brochures. My Aged Care Τηλ. You can apply for an assessment online and search for local aged care providers that meet your needs. Advocare – Empowering People Brochure. Pennwood Home Care Brochure - Greek. GPO Box 9819, In Your Capital City. EVENTS AND NEWS. Australian Government department My Aged Care (MAC) provides financial support to assist people to receive aged care services. The contact centre is not available on Sundays or on national public holidays. ABN No. Brochures & Posters. Trustpilot. Advocare – Preventing Financial Abuse. GOC Care 07 3249 1010 My Aged Care 1800 200 422 My Aged Care My Life My Family My Way My Kefi I have choices to help me live a life with kefi. are completed by My Aged Care who can be contacted on 1800 200 422. Volunteer Visiting Program Brochure. integratedliving can assist with your referral to My Aged Care to receive an ACAT assessment. receiving aged care. Tel: (02) 9784 … The ARAS overview brochure is available in 17 languages and details what we do and how we can help. Customize your brochure to showcase your facilities, rates, insurance options, and more through the use of photos, text, graphics, and other elements. Tel: (02) 9784 3230 Fax: (02) 9758 0366. >Dementia Australia Some are also available in other languages. My Aged Care brochure - Greek. How to contact My Aged Care. Letter to Families 14th December 2020; Letter to Families 2nd December 2020 My Aged Care. 1800 951 822. My Aged Care Administrator 2016-10-14T15:20:14+11:00 For most people, growing older means there are times you find it difficult to manage day-to-day living activities. Over 35 Years’ Experience Providing Support to Seniors . Download the Charter of Aged Care Rights Template for Signing for aged care service providers and their consumers on 1 July 2019. Patients and … My Aged Care brochure - Vietnamese. My Aged Care Guidance for Assessors Explains how assessors will interact with My Aged Care and activities to be completed. Feros Care’s Aged Care Guide offers easy to understand information on the range of Government subsidised care programs available for seniors. Referrals are accepted through My Aged Care on 1800 200 422. Aged Care Homes are normally the highest level of care outside a hospital. My Aged Care- my life, my family, my way, my kefi. Fronditha Care’s Social Support Groups are a chance for older people from a Greek speaking background to socialise and reconnect with others. Read more in the My Aged Care brochure (English). – Download here. My Aged Care- my life, my family, my way, my kefi. Report. Fronditha Care has a well established reputation for its aged care services and in the last few decades has worked hard to help people maintain their independence and continue living in their own home the way they want, enjoying what they love. My Aged Care is an accessible website, designed to be usable by people with particular needs. Transitional Housing Placement Plus – Foster Care (THC+FC): for young adults in extended foster care aged 18-21. Australian Multicultural Community Services (AMCS) is a not for profit organisation providing help at home and other support services to seniors and their carers in Melbourne and Greater Geelong. The groups meet weekly, with activities designed to promote physical and emotional wellbeing while encouraging independence and active ageing. Advocare – Help Stop Elder Abuse Infographic. My Aged Care; National Disability Insurance Scheme; Department of Social Services - Commonwealth Home Support Programme Current as at: Friday 13 March 2020. Please see the attached flyer for the list of events. Fronditha Care offers assistance with domestic chores to help you maintain your capacity to manage everyday activities in a safe, secure and healthy environment. If you need an interpreter, please call TIS National on 131 450 and ask them to call the Aged Care Quality and Safety . Basil the Great is reflected in the work of St. Basil’s Homes, which believes that all people regardless of ethnicity, race, religion, gender and age are entitled to high quality aged care. You can call the My Aged Care contact centre 1800 200 422. CHSP – Sample letter to grandfathered clients. As I grow older together with family I can make informed decisions that suit my needs and make my life happier, healthier and re-vitalised. 951 822 PO Box 9819, in your capital city . Outside of the home, we offer a range of social support groups daily, which provide a relaxed outlet for elderly Greek community members to connect. NSW. Advocare – Caring For Your Assets As You Age Tel: (02) 9784 3200 Fax: (02) 9740 6636. Charter of Aged Care Rights. Contact page owner: Aged Care Unit. Other related links. The Community Partners Program aims to promote and facilitate increased and sustained access to aged care support services by culturally and linguistically diverse communities with significant aged care needs. In simple terms it explains: The types of services you may be able to access and who each service is most suitable for For the latest Coronavirus (COVID-19) news, updates regarding Fronditha Care’s servicesClick here. You can have an apartment while stile living in foster care. More information about aged care. As well as offering an aged care support worker, we also have an expert team of Greek speaking aged care support workers. Providing elderly clients with extraordinary services, we have a large selection of home care options to choose from – each varying in price and inclusions. >LASA These are only available to download in our Resource Library. This means you can speak to My Aged Care for the person, see all their information and make decisions about their aged care. Skip to main content Find Providers . 71424124816 Privacy Policy, Please follow this link to read about Fronditha Care’s response to COVID-19. It's never too early to talk about getting some extra help. Advocare – Elder Abuse Self Assessment Tool . Brochures. Approved aged care service providers must use this portal to manage information about their services, manage referrals, update client records, generate reports and ask an assessor to review a client’s support plan. Upload photos or choose from images in our stock gallery, and add graphics, artwork, logos, and other elements to get your point across in no uncertain terms. ... Greek - Brochure - SA1214 Number of copies. It contains examples of questions you can ask to ensure that you are involved in the decisions that are made about your care. Mon, 16/11/2020. Guideline. Available in PDF and DOC. My Aged Care is the entry point to access aged care services and information about: • the different types of aged care services available • your eligibility for services • referrals to service providers that can meet your needs • your contribution to the cost of your aged care. Email:, >ACSA Charter of Aged Care Rights Booklet. Basil was born in Asia Minor in the 4th Century. This program is tailored for people aged 65+ and have a CALD background and need assistance to understand their options for entry in to aged care services. Help families make informed decisions about their loved one’s care with nursing home care brochures. These resources are also available in up to 22 other languages. To access our services, you will need to be registered and assessed by the Australian Government’s centralised contact centre known as My Aged Care. Available in PDF and DOC. GOC Care 07 3844 3669 My Aged Care 1800 200 422 My Care My Choices Advance Care Planning Brochure Subject: Advance Care Planning Brochure Keywords "ACP, Advance Care Planning, end of life, care, information, Queensland" Created Date: 8/31/2018 7:08:18 AM Please visit our information in your language pageto view and/or download. The process of advance care planning is my responsibility…I want to take all of the decision making out of my family’s hands…so I need to be clear about my wishes and give them the right details to tell the doctors, when and if it is needed Bob “A Family’s Story” Advance Care Planning Central Coast Local Health District Clinical Governance Directorate 4320 5556. Aged Care Quality Standards resources are not available for hard copy order. The My Aged Care website and national contact centre have been established by the Australian Government to help you navigate the aged care system. (English) Stories illustrating aged care processes in community and residential care settings for Greek-speaking seniors and their families. Access information about My Aged Care services in Greek - from how assessment works to the different types of aged care services available. ARAS Pamphlet The ARAS overview brochure is available in 17 languages and details what we do and how we can help. National Aged Care Standards as they pertain to the issue of cultural and linguistic needs. Email: Your Guide to Home Care Package Services. Medicare Questions. Council has a new service to help you: Positive Ageing – Darebin Information and Support Service. Aged Care Services. CareAbout helps you navigate your way through your care options and providers, helping you choose the right provider with confidence. Agencies can contact Fronditha Care directly and request Greek speaking qualified personal care staff to provide the following assistance via a brokerage arrangement: Support Hub Advocare – Empowering People Brochure. A Home Care Package can offer clients a chance to continue living independently in their own home, rather than entering a nursing home prematurely. Fronditha Care specialises in assisting people from a Greek background. My Aged Care has resources that the aged care sector can order to share with their clients. Website Email: (Greek Welfare Centre NSW) We are the community and welfare services arm of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia The mission of GWC Community Services is to provide services and programs that enable and empower individuals and groups from the Greek community and the community at large to participate in all aspects of Australia’s Culturally and Linguistically Diverse society. The centre is available from Monday to Friday between 8 am to 8 pm, and also on Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm. Family Agreements Guide – Knowing Your Rights and Responsibilities. HS21b Home Care Brochure – Greek. 1800 951 822 . There are many Aged Care options in Australia and they are much more flexible and accessible than you may think. With our brochure templates, getting your message out to potential and existing customers is as simple as selecting a brochure design you love and adding your own info. Find the help you need with My Aged Care. With approval, you can live alone or with roommates and practice your ILP skills. Download the Charter of Aged Care Rights Template for Signing for aged care service providers and their consumers on 1 July 2019. Posters & Fact Sheets. Mon, 16/11/2020. The right choice depends on your individual needs and circumstances. Aged Care. Get started on your compelling brochure design now. READ MORE. The Greek Orthodox Community of South Australia Community Care Services, in collaboration ... MY AGED CARE. The care package is assessed on your income, they assess you by levels of your need and I’m a Level Two. Call 1-800-231-4024 This CRISISline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to receive complaints from residents residing in long-term care facilities. The program's stated aim is to reduce air pollution from vehicles by ensuring that cars with excessive emissions are repaired in accordance with federal and state guidelines. Knowing what aged care services are available before you need them will help prepare you to make decisions about your future. Download the My Aged Care Australian Government brochure You may need help, or you may be caring for a family member or a friend who needs help, but you just don’t know where to … The My Aged Care website and national contact centre have been established by the Australian Government to help you navigate the aged care system. >My Aged Care “I have a 1 1/2 year old daughter I’ve always taken care of on my own but it’s kinda hard.” – 17-year-old . My Care My Choices Advance Care Planning Brochure Subject: Advance Care Planning Brochure Keywords "ACP, Advance Care Planning, end of life, care, information, Queensland" Created Date: 8/31/2018 7:08:18 AM In Home Care Specialists, Melbourne and Greater Geelong. We thrive on watching our clients maintain and expand their community connections and continue their preferred daily routine with minimal changes. The Storyboards and User Guides for this series are combined into one resource. APEA: WA Elder Abuse Protocol. A bi-fold brochure is a single sheet folded in half lengthwise (giving it a finished width of one-half the original length), while a tri-fold brochure is a single sheet of paper folded in thirds lengthwise (resulting in a final product that is one-third the original length). Visit the My Aged Care website to find information about how to access Australian Government–funded aged care services. Hungarian - Brochure - SA1215 (Greek)- Download here Read Charter here. 1. From 1 July 2015 it provides information: on the different types of aged care services; about your eligibility for services and help to find local services ; about assessments and referrals to service providers that can meet your needs. Advocare is strongly committed to respecting and upholding the privacy of our clients, staff and other stakeholders. My Aged Care assists older people, their families and carers to access aged care information and services via the My Aged Care website and contact centre. Home Pennwood Home Care HS21b Home Care Brochure – Greek. While the system is not perfect, it continues to move in the right direction, with increasing awareness that everyone’s needs are different. My Aged Care Specialists Contact. Resources and updates to My Aged Care. Your Life Your Care Your Rights (publication under review) A practical guide to rights and responsibilities for users of community aged care services. Our History 40 Years have passed since a small group of Greek professionals met in the hope of fulfilling a very ambitious vision... Read More → Our History. Recent Posts. Latest news. Browse. Resource Type. Download the My Aged Care Australian Government brochure The Better Health Channel provides health and medical information to improve the health and wellbeing of people and the communities they live in. GREEK The Lower North Shore Multicultural Aged Day Care Program. All programs follow appropriate evaluation, planning, assessment, monitoring, referral and consultation processes to provide and ensure accessibility and availability of care to appropriate services. Brochures & Posters. This section provides brochures (listed alphabetically) on a variety of helpful topics for older adults, caregivers and professionals. Multicultural Care provides personalised in-home aged care services to older people so they can continue to live independently and safely in their homes. Search. Languages available:Arabic, Croatian, Dutch, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Macedonian, Maltese, Polish, Russian, Simplified Chinese (Mandarin), Serbian, Traditional Chinese (Cantonese), Vietnamese, Arrernte, Pitjantjatjara, Torres Strait Creole (Yumplatok) and Warlpiri Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission(Australian Government Department of Health) Languages av… It’s such a good system. They can provide you with information on aged care, for yourself, a family member, friend or ... DL Brochure - I have a concern My Aged Care service provider portal . Your Guide to Short Term Restorative Care, Your Guide to Commonwealth Home Support Programme Services, Advocare – Caring For Your Assets As You Age, Advocare – Elder Abuse Self Assessment Tool, Family Agreements Guide – Knowing Your Rights and Responsibilities, Advocare – Help Stop Elder Abuse Infographic, Advocare – Examples of Elder Abuse Fact Sheet. ö 8 κόρη της Φωτεινής, η Μαρία, ήλθε σε επαφή με το My Aged Care στο 1800 200 422 για να εγγραφεί η μητέρα της για βοήθεια στο σπίτι. This cohesive collection of services aims to empower clients to take control of their care and independently mold it to their liking. Help families make informed decisions about their loved one’s care with nursing home care brochures. : 1800 200 422 Web: 1800 951 822 Πληροφορίες για τους καταναλωτές υπηρεσιών φροντίδας ηλικιωμένων, τις οικογένειές τους, τους φροντιστές και τους εκπροσώπους τους Your Guide to Commonwealth Home Support Programme Services. Our community visitation scheme also makes an impact by connecting friendly volunteers to clients for regular social visits. Mulgrave, VIC 3170, Phone: (03) 9552 4100 This includes brochures, booklets and checklists. St Basil’s Nursing Home (High Care) 130 Croydon St Lakemba NSW 2195. They can provide you with information on aged care, for yourself, a family member, friend or someone you’re caring for. Brochures. This video provides an overview of how to request a support plan review for a client in the My Aged Care Provider Portal. They also provide invaluable respite for carers. Read more in the My Aged Care brochure (English). You can also request hard copies by emailing us at 1800 200 422 . The profile provides useful information about a range of topics, resources including books, articles, audio-video aids, services, and so on. Press ESCAPE on your keyboard to immediately leave this website, Press enter to submit your search request, Alliance for the Prevention of Elder Abuse WA. Your Guide to Short Term Restorative Care. New Translation and Interpreting Service for Aged Care Residents The Australian Government is providing $2.2 million to engage interpreter services to help older people from non-English speaking backgrounds communicate on health and aged care matters. You can download the following resources to print. Letter to Families 14th December 2020; Letter to Families 2nd December 2020 ; Update from Pennwood – 20/11/2020; Letter to Families 4th September 2020; Industry Code for Visiting Residential Aged Care Homes during COVID-19 – Update 3/8/2020; Recent Comments. Each event is designed to offer enrollment assistance into Medi-Cal, Covered California, Kaiser Permanente Child Health Program, and My Health LA. To receive Government support you need to have an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) member assess your needs. Learn more about Greek Orthodox Community of SA (GOCSA) and the services they provide to the elderly in Australia. Charter of Aged Care Rights Poster. Experienced and friendly Council staff can explain how the aged care system works and what is available for you. Care, depending on your behalf by becoming your representative to take control their... Referral to My Aged Care contact centre is not available on Sundays or national... ( Australian Government Department of Health ) Numerous resources and booklets regarding Aged Care Rights Template for Signing Aged! Positive messages each day but over 400 negative messages My family, My way, My family My! 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