When you become a very present part of his day even when you’re apart, it’s one of the many signs he is falling for you. That's a very helpful way to break it down. An AP shell whose diameter is greater than 14.3 times the thickness of an armor plate will overmatch and pass through it regardless of angle. The IFHE rework already nerfed its … A night or two ago, I got two XP containers. Turn a single FB post into cash without spending a dime! Belfast is a Tier VII premium British cruiser of the same class as the tech tree Tier VIII Edinburgh, but does not carry any torpedoes.However, she has the ability to mount the Smoke Generator (), Hydroacoustic Search (), and Surveillance Radar consumables simultaneously, as well as having high explosive rounds available.. I put the bun back on top. Initial release date: 17 September 2015 Engine: BigWorld Genre: Tactical shooter Developers: WarGaming World of Warships is a F2P team based multiplayer game where players take the role of Warships (obviously) constructed after the dreadnaut era, but before the creation of ship lauched guided … At mid tier engagement the IFHE skill sounds and perform decent if employed on the right guns, but at high tier, the skill just do not provide the penetration it suppose to give consistently enough or effective enough when you keep seeing 40, 50, 60mm armor. Because they need to Nerf Atlanta AGAIN after they made Planes still mostly invulnerable. To me it still isn´t worth it and never truly was. 180 mm HE benefits less from IFHE because of a more drastic relative reduction in fire chance for not much gain in both absolute and impactful damage output, The only secondary weapons that may benefit from IFHE are German 105 mm secondaries with 26 mm base penetration, however, they give up a lot of fire chance for the ability to penetrate up to and including 32 mm plating, which is most of the time not worth it. Written by Jay Deagon PhD Home Economics Lecturer, CQUniversity IFHE Member, Asia Pacific Region This is my story about a recent trip to Daejeon, South Korea, to attend the XXII International Federation for Home Economics (IFHE) World Congress 2016, Daejeon Convention Centre (Sunday July 31 to Saturday August 6, 2016). Though, perhaps I should include a bit of general info for the uninitiated. While she was gone to talk to a teacher, I got her hamburger and spit in it SO much. whoo! This page has been accessed 60,711 times. Worst of all ifhe is not playing games, he is watching cartoons!!!!! IFHE feels irrelevant for 99% of the ships, I’m interested to see Wargaming try to replace some of these commander skills with more compelling designs. Approximately 3000 of these vehicle window stickers are now moving their way all around Australia, as well as several that have been sent to the U.S.A., and also the U.K. Ok. Since I won't reach 28mm of pen after taking IFHE why would I bother? Will bounce almost all cruiser shells if sufficiently angled. Here are some common armor thicknesses and the minimum HE shell diameters needed to penetrate them (since Update 0.9.2), according to the HE penetration formula. This girl spit in my drink right in fron of me then laughed. IFHE All Night Long by LittleWhiteMouse. Wow, you make it sound like women don’t have busy lives too and just spend all day thinking about guys. If He Had Been With Me was on my 'can't wait' list for months and I couldn't resist and read it the moment I got my hands on it. So I'm seeing videos saying kitakaze has been nerfed, but not what the nerd actually is. All joking aside, so long as you realize what your limitations are and how far you can push them you can be effective in the Z-52 killing destroyers that you can with your main battery and spamming mass quantities of torpedoes upon those whose armor … Caliber of the guns is the same, so the benefit of IFHE on Cleveland is the same - it lets you pen 32mm of armor with HE. IFHE All Night Long by LittleWhiteMouse. For ships which rely on fire damage IFHE thus can be a poor choice even if significant armor thresholds are passed. OLD INFORMATION AS PER UPDATE 0.9.2. Your AP will penetrate, but if she angles… all bets are off. At T10 with 50% innate fire chance reduction on all hulls taking IFHE is too big a sacrifice now. This is very useful since Tier 8+ battleships have lots of plating with that thickness. He just works in … V jedne bitve nase jedine DD melo 280 bitev a 35% WR, jejich jedine DD melo 3k bitev a 49% WR (a taky to tak vypadalo).V te posledni bitve zase nebylo zadne DD (to byla T5-6 bitva, nevim, jestli tam byla … Ah... (young woman's singing continues) (bubbling) Young Woman: Hello! Does he Google last night’s unresolved debate—‘Which is healthier: ice cream or gelato? What I learned yesterday before seeing this IFHE bible was: respec is free, reset ALL captains now, and you can always fiddle with them later. Most tier 10 cruiser deck plating, most tier 10 heavy cruiser side plating, Tier 7 and lower light cruisers (152 mm, 155 mm). © 2011–2021 Wargaming.net. Cleveland, Belfast, Kutusov, Mogami 155mm, Chapayev, etc all got a really good buff from IFHE. This applies to all 150-155mm guns, except German 150mm ones which have improved HE pen and so don't need IFHE. As per the tables above, 152 mm and 155 mm HE, primarily found on light cruisers; and 100 mm HE, found on Japanese gunboat destroyers and some secondary batteries, are by far the biggest beneficiaries. Will bounce up to 15-inch shells (381 mm) if sufficiently angled. And we all know that a 19 point Captain on a team is much better than a 3 point Captain, even more if you quantify (if that's the word) by (x) number of players on any given team. Will bounce up to 254 mm AP if sufficiently angled. This page was last modified on 21 January 2021, at 02:33. I still have it in my head. Whether we don't remember that it was your friend's birthday this weekend, or which scented candle was your favorite one at the store -- the small details matter most. >> questlove: 392, northern cyprus! My 3 year old daughter fell down are stairs last night about 30 mins for bed I was freaking out and was up all night making sure she is ok. Well she seem fine all she has is a Scratch. 1/6, 1/5 and 1/4 are the HE shells' penetration coefficients. (giggles) (young woman's singing resumes) (laughing and singing simultaneously) (giggles) (rock music playing in … The formula for fire chance can be found in Fires. Rule 29: On the internet men are men, women are also men, and kids are undercover FBI agents. Some other ships gain some benefit, but this is not generally considered worth the cost in skill points and the tradeoff in fire starting capabilities. The formula for fire chance can be found in Fires. I feel so bad all the matters is she ok. Thanks to Covid, hia firm is now remote. He compromises. Tier VIII Japanese Cruiser Mogami Replay Related Ship… Continue reading 1/6, 1/5 and 1/4 are the HE shells' penetration coefficients. ... GIMME GIMME GIMME GIMME (nyquil all night long) dave99. Note that as per update 0.9.2 IFHE now halves the BASE fire chance of shells. Rule 30: Girls do not exist on the internet. I maintain my previous POV, at high tier the skill just do not worth it unless you had a gun already with naturally high penetration value and by default also good damage to start with , then taking the skill carry you into ability to take on most of the enemy on some measure regrdless of class. Damn you Laura Nowlin! Meanwhile her Ruskie rail guns move in for the round house kick to the face. "Super" refers to the 1/4 HE penetration coefficient. NEW INFORMATION IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Yes the exact same info was already in @RalphTheTheatreCat thread from a couple of days ago which was clearly labelled IFHE changes 0.9.2, for those who bothered to look. To log in, select the region where your account is registered, Or use Microsoft Login to enter WoT XBOX ecosystem, Changes to the Inertia Fuse for HE Shells Skill (Update 0.9.2), http://wiki.wargaming.net/en/index.php?title=Ship:Armor_thresholds&oldid=301905, Tier 6 and 7 cruisers' decks, most tier 8 - 10 cruisers' bow/stern, tier 8 - 10 light cruisers' side plating, Tier 6 and 7 battleship bow/stern and some of their casemate plating, Light cruisers (152mm) up to and including tier 7, Tier 8 and 9 cruiser decks, some tier 8 - 10 cruiser bow/stern (USN and German heavy cruisers). World of Warships - Asia Language Based Communities. One team gets 10x 19 point Captains, and the MM matches other team with 10x 3 point Captains, AS AN EXAMPLE. Hi.I really liked your blog.It gave me a new insight..I met a guy at my workplace a year ago.He is 28.I m 25.We both are journalists by profession.We have known each other for almost a year now.After a few interactions a year ago,we communicated our feelings for each other.He said I ll be a good partner,a good gf,a gud sex partner,a good professional partner,a good wife,a good … It used to be that you needed IFHE against many cruisers too but this is … +Jack In The Box The Alaska does not come close at all to the hull of a capital ship. You need to play a total of 10 battles to post in this section. YES YES I know Colbert doesn't use IFHE now, but I'm JUST USING THE TWO SHIPS AS AN EXAMPLE. tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- sylvester stallone, john stamos, musical guests shawn mendes and camila cabello, and featuring the legendary roots crew. I did not expected it to be this good. Will bounce up to 14-inch shells (356 mm) if sufficiently angled. (drumroll) (rousing orchestral fanfare playing) (fanfare ends) (light, mysterious theme playing) (young woman sings eerie melody) (young woman gurgling melody) Young Woman: Ah! This trifecta of consumables makes her a … It was Friday night, and the organizers hadn’t done enough research to know that the only menu options on Friday-Sunday are either the vegetarian or meat 5 course dinner (shared by the whole table). My first things out of me was call 911 my husband ran so fast to get her. Does this mean I need to spec IFHE on my commander? I had been planning to order lentil soup, a cup of tea, and a small dessert, which would have been well under $20, so that was all I brought. I do have both CE and IFHE, ... Take with an appropriate grain of salt given that I'm hardly the best WoWS player. Also what toadee said about the lack of actually farmable >30 but <38mm plating at T10. Personally, outside of CWs i never saw a point to take IFHE on Hindi just to counter 1 extra ship a bit harder and get a few more hits on the only other one with armor abve the 50mm line. Changes to the Inertia Fuse for HE Shells Skill (Update 0.9.2). The conference theme “Hope… I’m a teacher and a Masters student. Tier 8 - 10 battleship bow/stern, tier 8 - 10 British and French battleships' casemate plating, Most light cruisers (152 mm, 155 mm, 180 mm), German 203 mm (Hindenburg, Roon, Hipper, Yorck), Only battleship calibre HE can penetrate their deck armor. He is saving up to buy the latest PlayStation. I SAW … Viral FB Commissions. its usually not worth it just to be able to pen bow and stern ( and even that is off for many a small caliber guns. Here are some common armor thicknesses and the minimum HE shell diameters needed to penetrate them, according to the HE penetration formula. Will bounce most destroyer shells if sufficiently angled, but not most light cruiser shells. I haven't really followed the developments here, but from her post I can further reduce the advice to "Any T6+ light cruiser with 15x mm guns should take IHFE, any Akizuki-type gunboat DD with 100 mm guns should take IHFE, everyone else can forget about it." A great review, two things of major importance: 1) the IFHE magic calibre appears to be from 140mm up to 203, one nation appears to use around the 130- 203mm calibre A LOT, I'll let you guess who. LIQUIDFREAK: ty prvni dve bitvy byly proti T8, pak tam byla nejaka, kde jsem byl mid-tear a minimalne jedna, kde jsem byl top, ale prijde mi, ze to byl docela normalni MM. — when he’s at work and tell you about it? This happy looking little bear is now the recognition symbol of travelling nudists from Hobart to Darwin and all the nude tourist destinations between. Here are some thresholds where this occurs, which determines whether it is feasible to "bow-tank" a particular AP shell. Well Captain Re-spec still here and its good time to test out the various ships regarding and made your own choice, there is no always right and always wrong .. even before this I seldom choose the skill I do not find it useful enough but of course I usually play DD and CL and that's one area people miss a lot, well penetration is great its only useful if you can do some damage, and with HE , and the somewhat meager damage one could muster from the DD and CL guns, sometime the 4 point skill might find better use else where ( say BFT/ AFT for DD guns or DE for CL ) and the comparison is not that -50% even for CL its the alternative .. so let say Cleveland , taking IFHE give you only 6% base fire chance, and with flags 7% but instead of thinking its 6% or 7% vs the 12% default, think of it as being against the same ship taking DE and that's a 6% vs 14% ( before flag , or 7 vs 15% after flag ) .. that is not insignificant at all , most mid to small caliber guns do not had enough damage to start with and carry it with rapid firing guns to stack the damage , and thus stacking the chance to start a fire and keep fire burning , thus something like the IJN gunboat could actually benefit both way ; I've test my Kitakami with 3 different  captain build , one with IFHE, one with DE, and one with AFT and surprisingly its the one with AFT that provide the best option ( the other 2 also both work pretty well ) as it allow me to open up that bit further out and keep firing for a longer duration ( thus making more hits, and more damage and more chance to start a fire ) before I need to extract from engagement. world of warships armor viewer,wows ifhe rework,wows what does overmatch mean,wows ifhe all night,world of warships dpm chart,world of warships where to aim to hit citadel,world of warship calculator,wows super heavy ap,world of warships shell types,world of warships overpenetration,world of warships citadel,wows plunging fire. So, asking if your husband still loves you may … THE UPDATE IS QUITE COMPLEX, SOME TIME IS NEEDED TO PROCESS ALL CHANGES. Then I mixed it in with the ketchup. Tier 8-10 battleship bow/stern, tier 8 - 10 British and French battleships' casemate plating. The IFHE promotes the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the UN 10YFP on Sustainable Lifestyles and Education Sustainability is a consistent thread that is applied in Home Economics education. What I do think WG did wrong is not to give German DD their rightful HE pen at 1/4 ( since they already nerfed the raw damage ) and the over nerfing to mid to small caliber guns especially at mid to high tiers , a skill that suppose to give penetration but do not give that , and that's how odd-ward the skill had become for so many. A man who really cares for you will listen intently and do his best to absorb all of the details that he can. Wow. I will stalk you till you give me a new book! Organizational # transformation initiatives are complex processes, requires significant efforts & attention from everyone in the # organization.The dynamics are so volatile that it needs a # leader who can weather the storm.. Nalin Chandna will be revisiting those journeys with one such leader RV Sridhar, on 27-Jan-2021, 5-6 PM IST live at Linkedin, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter. For ships which rely on fire damage IFHE thus can be a poor choice even if significant armor thresholds are passed. Capital ships had layered armor with Torpedo bulges and angeled armor internal armor belts along with multiple rupture zones to increase survivability against torpedoes but the Alaska is literally just a Baltimore hull but upscaled so the Alaska lacks literally all of the extra protection that capital … He plays games all day all night except when hehaa to work. No wonder people get worked up and confused over game changes every time they occur, when people keep opening new threads asking the same questions that have already been answered or provide the same info that has already been given. Leviathon7881, March 13, 2020 in General Discussions, Go check this out as he explained very well which Tier of ships if needed IFHE:-, https://forum.worldofwarships.com/topic/213359-ifhe-all-night-long/, With so many NO one had to ask why and why bother. Looks like they're going to push out that garbage IFHE Nerf/Cruiser Armor "Buff" Because +1mm Pen is going to do Soooooooooooo much to make USN 5" guns actually hurt things without IFHE RIP Atlanta: Wargaming had it out for you since day fucking one. ork city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." He earns about 220k but is comfortable in Mama's house. In How to Improve Your Marriage Without Talking About It, Patricia Love and Steven Stosny say that talking about your relationship makes women move closer but it makes men move away.They studied this dynamic between men and women, reached a truly shocking conclusion: talking about marriage pushes husbands away. By hi read all of article and comments at end of day we are all responsible for own actions and if things arent working .best to move on .not always easy .and im no youngster .been through life and on 3rd marriage lost my elder son nearly 6 years ago .but always been the giver listener supporter but when i lost my son who was there for me friends disappeared and husband had … Animated movies. I wanted to do the same. >> … Forget the numbers, just Y/N by ship class and tier. Discuss the skill and what I think is the problem, hope you have a wonderful day and I’ll catch you next time! Yes the exact same info was already in @RalphTheTheatreCat thread from a couple of days ago which was clearly labelled IFHE changes 0.9.2, for those who bothered to look.. No wonder people get worked up and confused over game changes every time they occur, when people keep opening new threads asking the same questions that have already been answered … UrbanSlayer wrote: I quite like the Molotov as … Note that as per update 0.9.2 IFHE now halves the BASE fire chance of shells. That’s bullsh*t. I’ve got way more on my plate than the guy that I’ve been talking to. Will bounce light cruiser shells if sufficiently angled but not heavy cruiser shells (203 mm). All rights reserved. 2) WILL NOONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN, by that I mean this rework now severely limits each Captain to a specific ship, so no more speccing my Captain for a tier 10 end game ship, or extremely expensive ship ala Colbert, yet mostly playing said Captain in my Bayard, to farm skill points, up to 19, or using my 19 point end game Captain in my tier 8 premium ships to farm MUCH NEEDED GAME ECONOMY CREDITS. The IFHE calls for: All active Home Economists around the world highlight the theme of the WHED to show the importance of Home Economics ) if sufficiently angled to play a total of 10 battles to post in this section what! 155Mm, Chapayev, etc all got a really good buff from IFHE team gets 10x point... Refers to the HE penetration formula 'm seeing videos saying kitakaze has been nerfed, but not the... Gets 10x 19 point Captains, as AN EXAMPLE British and French battleships ' casemate plating it so much spending... 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