Each group member is responsible to write down one thing you learned under the L. Sea Turtles an Endangered Species is broad topic and has a wide variety of resources that still need to be explored. 485 Words 2 Pages. They have a strong, tear-drop shape shell, called a ‘carapace’, which covers most of their body, except for their head and four flippers. Our mission is to rescue, rehabilitate, and release injured turtles. Just like any other species, sea turtles are very important to the environment. We raise money to pay the salaries of community-based turtle patrollers. For example, sea turtles are one of the only animals that eat sea grass. The loggerhead turtles diet consists of jellyfish, seaweed, and sea … ...The leatherback turtle is one of the most unique sea turtles; it's almost completely pelagic, migrates impossible distances and is the largest turtle in the world. If sea turtles become extinct, both the marine and beach ecosystems will weaken and have harmful effects. Hawaiian turtles are known as “honu” Help Save the Turtles. Save the Sea Turtles. All seven species of sea turtles native to the oceans surrounding the USA are endangered. Since sea turtles lay eggs on beaches but spend their lives in the ocean, they are affected by climate change on both fronts. Fashionable Save the Ocean Rings come in many UNIQUE STYLES. For every $1 donated we can save 10 sea turtle hatchlings and we have saved more than 3 million so far! Save earth to get saved your lives back. So while plastic straws may not be killing sea turtles in hordes, they are killing sea birds, and plastic overall have caused huge and deadly effects to many sealife species. Save the Sea Turtles Illegal Sea Turtle Shell Trade Commercial Fishing Debris Daria Orekhov - DONATE - ADOPT - AWARENESS Threats to Sea Turtle Survival Natural Threats Hatchlings punishment was appropriate under the circumstances. Sea grass needs to be kept short so it can grow across the ocean floor. Green sea turtle. In July of 1884, an English crew of four men were cast away in a storm at sea, roughly 1600 miles from Cape of Good Hope. Save Our Sea Life. Learn more and donate to save baby turtles here. 814 likes. Sea grass beds grazed by green sea turtles are more productive than those that aren’t. Protection of Sea Turtles by Jamaican Law. They can also grow to weigh 375 pounds. Many turtles are hurt due to human causes. In addition, climate change may affect survival of juvenile sea turtles, decreasing adult population numbers. Our mission is to rescue, rehabilitate, and release injured turtles. She monitors local sea temperatures, waiting for the water to reach about 70 degrees, and keeps track of turtle sightings offshore, a sign that conditions in the water are good. “Sea turtles are antiquated creatures on the earth. I am a volunteer of Sea Turtle Inc. in South Padre, Texas. Sea turtles keep the grass short and healthy. Why should we care about sea turtles? You can help the ecosystem and the environment by just being a little more conscious of how much you use plastic. And it's disappearing. The sea turtles are dying off and we, as humans, need to save them from us. Our hospital cares for turtles that have been found injured and stranded. Save Earth, Save Life! Stuck on your essay? Sea turtles are part of two essential ecosystems, beaches, and marine systems. Learn by example and become a better writer with Kibin’s suite of essay help services. Billion Baby Turtles is a great way to help on the ground sea turtle conservation efforts in Latin America. In Jamaica, all species of sea turtle and coral are protected under the Wild Life Protection Act, 1945 and the Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation and Regulation of Trade) Act, 2000. Sea turtles mate at sea, then come ashore on beaches to lay their eggs. While the free essays can give you inspiration for writing, they cannot be used 'as is' because they will not meet your assignment's requirements. Sea turtles contend with a contagious disease that causes debilitating tumors. Save the Turtles is a grassroots, all-volunteer non-profit that has been saving endangered sea turtles since 2001. 10. When the organization started the program in the 1980s, Prescott said it rescued between 10 and 20 turtles per year, but now it averages about 600 turtles a year. Save it to be saved. Sea Turtle Conservancy 4581 NW 6th St, Suite A Gainesville, FL 32609 Phone: 352-373-6441 Fax: 352-375-2449 stc@conserveturtles.org Every plastic piece you don’t buy, is one less piece of plastic that can end up in the ocean. The tourists and needs for food and medicines for humans cause sea turtles to have fewer habitats and be endangered. They were named loggerhead turtles because of their big heads. I will pass out your K-W-L Flip Books and write three things that you learned about your sea turtle as a group. Many turtles are hurt due to human causes. Choose sunscreen carefully. To preserve our oceans and the amazing creatures in it, we came up with five ways you can help save the turtles: Sea turtles are heavily affected by climate change because of their wide range of habitats (Butt et al. Nearly all monies raised goes to direct protection of sea turtles. Save our oceans! Sea Turtles Essay. Save the earth! Sea turtles and sea turtle eggs provide important nutrients to dune and beach ecosystems as well as marine and ocean ecosystems. They have lived on the earth over nearly 65 million years; they saw the dinosaurs survive, and they saw them pass on.” (Velasquez-Manoff, 2007) Despite the fact that sea turtles can get by for quite a while, they are … Too Rare To Wear is a coalition of conservation groups and tourism businesses working to end the demand for turtleshell products. Together we can help save the sea turtles and it all starts from your home: Reduce. I have been studying sea turtle conservation for the past couple of months. They can be from two and a half feet to three and a half feet long. Sea Turtles are in danger of extinction largely because of changes brought about by humans. Our hospital cares for turtles that have been found injured and stranded. In their net, some cut their fins so that they don’t damage their nets or the sea turtle might be stuck there for a … You can help save the oceans! Both of these grazing activities maintain species diversity and the natural balance of fragile marine ecosystems. You can help save a baby whale or a playful pod of dolphins, or sea-weed eating turtles, or even a calm stingray. The Endangered Species Act has put the Leatherback on the map, but the road to recovery is uncertain for this gentle giant. Page 46 of 50 - About 500 Essays Queen Vs Dudley And Stephens Case Analysis. The illegal fishing, were sea turtle get stuck in hooks debilitating the sea turtle or when a sea turtle is caught accidentally by a fisherman. We have no other known place to live in this universe. Although Prescott and his team mainly save ridley sea turtles, they also find and rescue loggerhead turtles and green turtles. These reptiles can swim up to 15 miles per hour and live to be 50 years old. Sea turtles have survived on Earth for more than 100 million years, yet today their future hangs in the balance. Unfortunately green sea turtles are classified as endangered animals due to over-harvesting, climate change, and habitat loss. Hawksbill turtles eat sponges, preventing them from out-competing slow-growing corals. Save the Sea Turtles Essay 485 Words | 2 Pages. Saving sea turtles from extinction will save the ocean and human’s life since humans use the ocean as an important source for food and use beaches for many kinds of activities. Even though the situation is urgent for the sea turtles, it’s important to remember that there is still hope. Genetic analysis is helping researchers figure out precision medicine-based treatments for the turtles. Together we can help save the sea turtles and it all starts from your home: Reduce. Green sea turtles are one of the world’s largest species of turtle, weighing around 65-130kg and measuring between 1-1.2m long. For every $1, we can save 10 hatchlings around the world! Save the Sea Turtles Essay. Update: Read the 2020 State of the World's Sea Turtles Report. 4 species have been identified on our beaches by National Environment Planning Agency (NEPA): Hawksbill, Green, Leatherback, and Loggerhead sea turtles. Every plastic piece you don’t buy, is one less piece of plastic that can end up in the ocean. Humans negatively impact on sea turtles. Save-A-Turtle of the Florida Keys, Inc. plans to partner with other like-minded organizations for joint fundraising efforts, as well as continue our presence at all local and grassroots festivals, events, and celebrations to show our presence in the Keys, and excite people young and old about imperiled sea turtles. Sea Turtles Why They Are Endangered And Conserva Term paper. I am a volunteer of Sea Turtle Inc. in South Padre, Texas. Save earth to save many lives. Human is also a murderer, killing sea turtles; fox is also a murderer of killing sea turtles (Canberra Times, 2007). We have known that plastic is bad for the environment and the oceans for quite a while, given the fact that the Great Garbage Patch was discovered almost 20 years ago, so it's more than time to start caring about the problem. Six of seven sea turtle species are endangered or threatened. If sea turtles become extinct, they could severely impact the ecosystems of marine life in ways that we may not be aware of. Six of the seven sea turtle species are threatened with extinction due to human impacts including fisheries bycatch, coastal development, plastic pollution, and the consumption of sea turtles and their eggs. Bibliography “Information About Sea Turtles: Threats from Marine Debris.” If you stop buying plastic, you’ll send a signal to companies all over the world to reduce their plastic packaging. 2016). Overview. Humans have responsibility to find some method to save sea turtles and to stop global warming from being worse. Rings. Browse essays about Sea Turtles and find inspiration. Another option is to set up a Facebook Fundraiser. Save earth to continue life here. Save Earth: There’s no place like home. Save the Sea Turtles.

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