I don't quite know how to assess this book. Accessibly written and assuming no previous knowledge of the subject, it encourages the reader to think clearly and critically about the leading … The political philosophy most closely associated with modern India is the one of ahimsa (non-violence) and Satyagraha, popularised by Mahatma Gandhi during the Indian struggle for independence. He is a fellow of the British Academy and the author or editor of fifteen books, including On Nationality and Principles of Social Justice. (1876) Death of father; Russell’s grandfather, Lord JohnRussell (the former Prime Minister), and grandmother succeed inoverturning Russell’s father’s will to win custody ofRussell and his brother, rather than have them raised asfree-thinkers. He becameacademically established during the 1960s, holding a series ofpositions at French universities, before his election in 1969 to theultra-prestigious Collège de France, where he was Professor ofthe History of Systems of Thought until his death. RUNNING HEAD: Political Philosophy SUMMARY: CHAPTER 1 Political Philosophy: Introducing the Challenge This summary is based on Donald G. Tannenbaum’s book, Inventor of Ideas: An Introduction to Western Political Philosophy, Third Edition. Although his family was Jewish they converted to Christianity sothat his father could pursue his career as a lawyer in the face ofPrussia’s anti-Jewish laws. What does it all mean? Everyone would benefit from reading these books to broaden their knowledge and understanding in diverse areas of life. As astudent he was brilliant but psychologically tormented. 2021. Access to the complete content on Very Short Introductions online requires a subscription or purchase. (1872) Born May 18 at Ravenscroft in Trelleck, Monmouthshire,UK. Before you think about getting your hands on this (don’t) - I highly recommend read the other 2 star reviews. On completion of hisdoctorate in 1841 Marx hoped for an academic job, but he had alreadyfallen in with too radical a group of thinkers and the… This course is intended as an introduction to political philosophy as seen through an examination of some of the major texts and thinkers of the Western political tradition. Official Fellow, Nuffield College, Oxford The brevity of the book precludes an in-depth engagement with a lot of interesting topics, but Miller nonetheless does a good job to mention the fact that there is an ongoing discussion about one or more topics without. Responsibility and Justice in Situations of Partial Compliance" in Responsibility and Distributive Justice (2011) on Oxford Scholarship Online, "Nationalism" in The Oxford Handbook of Political Theory (2008) on Oxford Handbooks Online. I enjoyed his view on cosmopolitanism and political pluralism. Didn't hold my interest and didn't seam to have a purpose but then I'm a thriller reader and practical man. [2] This is a curious fate for a writer of genius who was also the authorof a book entitled A Philosophical Enquiry. Very clear introduction to political philosophy, and the author makes very valid points. Start by marking “Political Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction” as Want to Read: Error rating book. Miller is very frank about the imprint his own ideas has on the book, despite his intent of writing a balanced introduction to the field. A short chronology of the major events in Russell’s life is asfollows: 1. Learn more about Montesquieu’s life and work. I wouldn't necessarily call this a *very* short introduction, as the title suggests. For questions on access or troubleshooting, please check our FAQs, and if you can't find the answer there, please contact us. : a very short introduction to philosophy, Thomas Nagel In this cogent and accessible introduction to philosophy, the distinguished author of Mortal Questions and The View From Nowhere sets forth the central problems of philosophical inquiry for the beginning student. The book focuses on political philosophy from Hobbes to the present with a brief nod to Plato. And from what we know of human behaviour when people are caught up in civil war and other situations in which their very survival is at stake, he seems to have been right. The book chapters are focused more in broad topics of relevance to political philosophy than in a historical survey of ideas. The introduction has a memorable summary of the goals of political philosophy and defense of the discipline. by Oxford University Press, Political Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions). Every page, nay, paragraph, leads off into so many directions, theories, ideas, and movements. It inspired the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Constitution of the United States. state of nature, David Miller, But it is a large topic, so perhaps any introduction would be considered 'short.' The best of these VSI books feel like taking a university module in the subject and this is up there with the best that I have read - offering a very clear and concise introduction to some difficult concepts. (1874) Death of mother and sister. From Plato to Foucault, we break down the main ideas in philosophical thought. Verified Purchase. I decided to read this book a few weeks ahead of an event on political philosophy, which is not my expertise but neither something I am unfamiliar with. Lecture 24 - In Defense of Politics Overview. Julian Baggini, The Philosopher's Magazine The book raises some interesting points, it's a good introduction for anyone wondering about some basic notions of political philosophy as "freedom", "justice" or "democracy". This book is an excellent introduction to political philosophy. Welcome back. It was fun to make notes while reading. The course is based on the second edition, but was updated slightly to be suitable for those with the third edition as well. The name of Edmund Burke (1730–97) [1] is not one that often figures in the history of philosophy . These perennial issues include answers to questions like: what are the differences between legitimate political authority and tyranny; what is the relationship between government and its citizens; what is the nature of justice? Very short, very clear, very fair. It is an over-simplistic book even for a short introduction. Compilations of Works One way to make quick buck is to grab a bunch of important stuff and stick it in a book, then sell it to people. Despite its small size, it took me more than one year to read it. An example that comes to mind is how he deals with anarchism in the chapter on 'authority' and how statism is nowadays taken for granted (including why Miller believes this is a good thing). Be the first to ask a question about Political Philosophy. He employs an Italian fresco painted by Lorenzetti in the 14th century as a heuristic to help illustrate the essential elements of political philosophy. Curious about the major works and figures in the study of the nature of reality and existence? Globalization: A Very Short Introduction looks at the interconnected and accelerated processes changing how we see and experience the world. author We”, The Oxford Very Short Introductions Series, Very Short Introductions: Government & Politics, New African American Histories and Biographies to Read Now. John Locke, Can be used as a good supplement/reading material to get students interested in those arguments. I guess it is always a little problematic to take a book like this which has in its title "A very short introduction" and expect to get a good grasp of a subject by reading the 130 pages. I had some disagreements here and there. I think this book is only good for someone who is completely unfamiliar with the political philosophy and thus does not mind an one-sided description of the topic. A short and interesting book about the philosophical basis of politics, a subject that consumes a great deal of my thinking (hey, give me a break! Philosophy. It is distressing. 2003 It is arranged by topic (state of nature, justifying the state, liberty, justice, etc.) Concise, to the point. He comes down firmly on the side of democracy and western values, but he does look at the limits of government too, nationally and globally with the nation state somewhat under threat. There was surprisingly little thought devoted to the concept of rights, while there was a predictably long section devoted to social justice. I think this book is only good for someone who is completely unfamiliar with the political philosophy and thus does not mind an one-sided description of th. It definitely lays out some views of political philosophy, but sometimes I thought the author leaned one way and at other times he seemed to lean the other way. Foucault is one of those rare philosophers who has become a cult figure. Professor of Political Theory, University of Oxford. Author Webpage. Please subscribe or login to access full text content. Short, engrossing & highly appealing. This really comes to the fore in the chapter on cosmopolitanism and global justice, which is done away with a bit too easily in my opinion. It is an over-simplistic book even for a short introduction. Also, while Miller does attempt to bring up alternative theories, he rarely explains their rationale in details and is very quick to dismiss them. Disappointing, boring, stupid at times — author even managed somehow to write a whole chapter entitled "Feminism and multiculturalism" without referring to a single woman, person of colour or anyone from an ethnic minority. Ethics: A Very Short Introduction Simon Blackburn Very Short Introductions. Besides theEnquiry, Burke's writings and some of his speeches containstrongly philosophical elements—philosophical both in ourcontemporary sense and in the eighteenth century sense, especially‘philosophical’ history. It compares the obstacles facing them, and the processes that shape their lives, their families, and their futures. This is a bad book for readers new to the subject, because it fails to do a good survey of the discipline and a horrible book for political philosophers, since the author briefly misrepresents a whole system of thought and quickly dismisses without much explanation before moving on to the next. Overall, not much that I didn't already know, but at times like these--when my country is going through the convulsions of a national election for President--it's good to refresh my thinking with regards to the philosophical underpinnings of my politics. Overall, not much that I didn't already k. A short and interesting book about the philosophical basis of politics, a subject that consumes a great deal of my thinking (hey, give me a break! From a general summary to chapter summaries to explanations of famous quotes, the SparkNotes Karl Marx (1818–1883) Study Guide has everything you need to ace quizzes, tests, and essays. In Postcolonialism: A Very Short Introduction (2003) Young links this genealogy of postcolonialism to the contemporary activism of the New Social Movements in non-Western countries. This Very Short Introduction introduces readers to the key concepts of political philosophy: authority, democracy, freedom and its limits, justice, feminism, multiculturalism, and nationality. One day I forgot to take Cortázar's Hopscotch with me to work; thankfully, I always have a backup book in my bag. Language not the simplest, but enough to understand and not feel this is beginners' level. These elements play a fundamentalrole within his work, and help us to … Is globalization really a new phenomenon? As a means of stimulating interest in the subject it has few rivals.' Very good overall. I don't like sports, so I need something to think about!). Keywords: I don't like sports, so I need something to think about!). Very Short Introductions Introduces African politics, providing an overview of the different states and their systems Explores the contemporary and historical influences on African politics, such as colonialism Explains how regional identity often dominates politics in Africa What i hope for would be headings under each chapters to make points easier to understand. He employs an Italian fresco painted by Lorenzetti in the 14th century as a heuristic to help illustrate the essential elements of political philosophy. David Miller is professor of political theory and official fellow, Nuffield College, Oxford. A precocious schoolchild, Marx studied lawin Bonn and Berlin, and then wrote a PhD thesis in Philosophy,comparing the views of Democritus and Epicurus. My own political views were sometimes in conflict with the author's statements, but I think that is the nature of politics. It’s the kind of book you could read in an evening, but at the same time you’d really have a flavour of what philosophy is. 2. A fairly simple walkthrough of some of the foundational questions and arguments in Political Philosophy. It is inevitably related to general philosophy and is itself a subject of cultural anthropology, sociology, and the sociology of knowledge. Montesquieu, French political philosopher whose principal work, The Spirit of Laws, was a major contribution to political theory. For philosophy of religion, Davies's An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion and Yandell's Philosophy of Religion: A Contemporary Introduction. I enjoyed the author's musings on the meanings of words like justice and freedom and government and democracy. political Philosophy, David Miller, Professor of Political Theory at Oxford provides us with a concise summary of the main strands of political philosophy, chronologiaccly starting with a painting by Lorenzetti illustrating "The Allegory of Good and Bad Government". I started reading this book in Vienna last year. In A Very Short Introduction to Politics, Kenneth Minogue begins with a discussion of issues arising from a historical account of politics, and goes on to offer chapters dealing with the Ancient Greeks and the idea of citizenship; Roman law; medieval Christianity and individualism; freedom since Machiavelli and Hobbes; the challenge of ideologies; democracy, oligarchy, and bureaucracy; power and order in modern society; and politics … What role should ordinary citizens play in a democracy? Although short, the Introductions are substantial in content. A very good short and accessible introduction to feed the appetite. Introduction to many basic concepts in political philosophy, and providing short analysis of different arguments by different philosophers. democracy, I feel this book oversimplified where it wasn't necessary. (Please note having the third edition of the book is no problem at all. Though, important to condense such a large topic, there were a lot of word choices and descriptions that belittled the fields of social psychology and psychology and frequently conflated the two without having a solid and contemporary understanding of the two areas. I have read a few other books in this series from OUP (Geography, History, and one on Jurgen Habermas, which was excellent), so I was pleased when I found Miller’s book. You could not be signed in, please check and try again. The Very Short Introductions are a major educational resource. Goodread.The author approached Sphere of Justice in various brief aspects.As he claimed, modern politics is much more complicated than Lorenzetti allegory of good and bad government. social contract, If you are someone who reads the news or listens to political commentary every day, you already know pretty much everything in the book. In this case it was David Miller's VSI to. Political philosophy, as distinct from the study of political and administrative organization, is more theoretical and normative than descriptive. We’d love your help. The brevity of the book precludes an in-depth engagement with a lot of interesting topics, but Miller nonetheless does a good job to mention the fact that there is an ongoing discussion about one or more topics without allowing himself to get bogged down in it. Miller does a very good job at introducing the 'bread-and-butter' of political philosophy in this concise and well-written book. 4. authority, A useful introduction to the main questions & points of contention in political philosophy. Do states need to be able to coerce their subjects if they are to have political authority? but I think the book did a great job of presenting an introduction to PP. need, Moving from government by divinity to government by the people by way of the Renaissance, he examines views about anarchism, liberty, social justice via thinkers such as Hobbes, Rousseau and Marx and of course the ancients such as Plato and Socrates. There was surprisingly little thought devoted to the concept of rights, while there was a predictably long section devoted to social justice. human rights, I was reading it in the historical Vienna, in hights of the Swiss Alps St.Morris, and finally finished reading it on the plane heading to Newyork. All rights reserved. Karl Marx was born in Trier, in the German Rhineland, in1818. Political Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction introduces the concepts of political philosophy — authority, democracy, freedom and its limits, justice, feminism, multiculturalism, and nationality. “We need political authority, then, because it gives us the security that allows us to trust other people, and in a climate of trust people are able to cooperate to produce all those benefits that Hobbes listed as signally lacking in the ‘natural condition’.”, “his real point is that in the climate of fear that would follow the breakdown of authority, the kinder, more trusting, side of human nature would be obliterated. But that may be asking for too much. Presenting globalization in accessible language as a multifaceted process encompassing global, regional, and local aspects of social life, this VSI looks at its causes and effects, examines whether it is a new phenomenon, and explores the question of whether, ultimately, globalization … ‘Why do we need political philosophy?’ examines the three ideas that stand at its very heart: that good and bad government profoundly affect the quality of human lives; that the form our government takes is not predetermined: we have a choice to make; and that we can know what distinguishes good government from bad: we can trace the effects of different forms of government, … A solid overview, though it seems like an impossible project: we go to these books to get a basic understanding of a broad topic but they often just leave us more confused. Written by Simon Blackburn, author of the best-selling Think; Short, lively, humorous, and accessible; Unique combination of depth, rigor and sparkling prose; Ethics is the area of philosophy which touches most on everyday life - its central theme is how we ought to live The author's analysis of various theories and concepts is succinct and interesting and his own views are compelling. A very nice introduction to political philosophy. But I wish he includes more pages for Marxism and its dynamics.. This final lecture of the course is given “in defense of politics.” First, the idea and definition of “politics” and the “political” are discussed with reference to the ideas of Immanuel Kant and twentieth-century political scientists, novelists, and philosophers such as Bernard Crick, E. M. Forster, and Carl Schmitt. Literally,phenomenology is the Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “We are not makers of history. We are made by history.” So, this January, as we celebrate Martin Luther King... To see what your friends thought of this book, Political Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction, Political Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions #97), David Miller. Political Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions #97), David Miller This book introduces readers to the concepts of political philosophy - authority, democracy, freedom and its limits, justice, feminism, multiculturalism, and nationality. Political Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction - David Miller - Oxford University Press Is increased connection between people and nations inevitable, or are we witnessing the beginning of an era of ‘deglobalization’ or ‘anti-globalization’? He mentioned John Stuart Mill, that sanctimonious cuckball, and that's it. An Introduction to Political Philosophy (OUP, Oxford, 2006) NB: This is the second of three editions of this book. If you are someone who reads the news or listens to political commentary every day, you already know pretty much everything in the book. It asks such questions as: Is it really true that what governments do profoundly affects the quality of our lives? (1878) Death … Copyright © Which brings me to another point. From the 1970s on,Foucault was very active politically. First of all, it’s very, very short. Moving from government by divinity to government by the people by way of the Renaissance, he examines views about anarchism, liberty, social justice via thinkers such as Hobbes, Rousseau and Marx and of course the ancients such as Plato and Socrates. I decided to read this book a few weeks ahead of an event on political philosophy, which is not my expertise but neither something I am unfamiliar with. Well done! rather than by thinker, which has its advantages. justice, Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published 3. For a book written by an Englishman some 15 years ago, it seems incredible fair exceptionally pertaining to its discussion on democracy and human rights. Refresh and try again. In turn it influenced the later independence and civil rights movements , especially those led by Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela . I enjoyed the author's musings on the meanings of words like justice and freedom and government and democracy. There are presently over 500 small books covering a very wide range of subjects. But all in all, if you're looking for a place to start, Miller's introduction to political philosophy is great and one of the better VSI books in the series. Miller does a very good job at introducing the 'bread-and-butter' of political philosophy in this concise and well-written book.

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