Social distancing flattens the curve, meaning that these protective practices slow the rate of infection making it so that hospitals have enough room, supplies, and healthcare workers for all the patients who need care. At the present moment, the only solution we have in our hands to break the chain of this virus is “Social Distancing”. What is social distancing? Since COVID-19 spreads from person to person, it is important to every way in which people come close to one another. If we reduce the number of people infected in the first place, we also reduce the likelihood of the spread of the virus to others. Social distancing is important to prevent the health care framework breaking down completely. This deadly infection has impacted almost all nations in the world and has taken lives of millions of people. COVID-19 infection spreads by coming in close contact to infected people. Social distancing applies between you and everyone not in your immediate care or household. Distancing works on the simple premise that reducing (or eliminating) exposure or proximity to a contagion will, in turn, lead to lower infection rates. Social distancing puts space between individuals. Social distancing should form part of your business’s risk assessment and is one of the steps needed to make your workplace COVID-secure. Social Distancing – What is it and Why is it Important? Now as communities are reopening and people are in public more often, physical distancing is used to stress the importance of maintaining physical space when in public areas. By the time, the vaccine of this virus gets invented, it is the duty of each one of us to practice Social Distancing. The importance of social distancing The goal of social distancing is to keep healthy people and those who are sick from coming into close contact with one another. importance of solar energy in our daily life. Social Distancing is a term used to describe staying away from people and microbial residue that people leave behind when touching objects. We have found the answers to the most common questions and have included information that will help reduce your confusion and anxiety. There are several things that you can enjoy and learn on YouTube, etc. With the virus still spreading, however, it is important for everyone to continue physical distancing along with other safety steps. If someone is sick and there are no people around, a virus cannot spread. Social distancing flattens the curve, meaning that these protective practices slow the rate of infection making it so that hospitals have enough room, supplies, and healthcare workers for all the patients who need care. Internet is a great source of entertainment. Due to testing delays and limits, it is currently impossible to know who has the coronavirus which makes social distancing a very important practice. It is important to reserve the N95 FFR respirator masks for healthcare workers. Here are some of the below tips that will support your efforts. Required fields are marked *. Your email address will not be published. Most cities have already placed restrictions on food services. Do not attend school or classes as of Wednesday, 18 March 2020 until after Easter. What is a social distancing officer? Government recommends to protect the face from face masks, like N95 respiratory face masks or any cotton face cover, to prevent catching of infection. In the age of COVID-19, wearing a mask is one of the most important things you can do to keep yourself—and others—protected from the virus. Social distancing is important for all of us. If you feel that someone in the family can be infected from coronavirus, then they should stay at home, and quarantine themselves for fourteen days. HFR is an extremely motivated movement of people who want to create a healthier and fitter world The importance of Social Distancing You will no doubt have heard of the phrase ’social distancing’. It includes things such as working from home when possible, traveling only when necessary, avoiding groups or shopping unless it is for essential items, and staying at least 6 feet away from people outside your immediate family. There are still people who need hospital care even without the coronavirus, and the influx of patients could overload the hospitals, leaving less care available for those who need it. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Initiatives like social distancing may cause inconvenience to you, but it is the only way available to protect ourselves and our loved ones from this life-threatening pandemic. However, for social distancing to really make a dent in the amount of cases arising, everyone needs to be adhering to it—not just some. As cases of coronavirus illness, (COVID-19) continues to spread… As the name suggests, it calls for people to increase the space between one another and to avoid gatherings and crowds. The virus can live on surfaces for up to 3 days. Social distancing means limiting your contact with others outside of your immediate household and isolating or quarantining yourself if you are ill. Why Are Social Distancing Guidelines Important? To prevent people from coming in close proximity to one another, government of various organizations have enforced a stringent lockdown. When everyone puts into practice social distancing, the population is being saved from unknowingly spreading or coming into contact with the virus which ultimately stops the spread. Importance Of Social Distancing About Coronavirus. ‘The importance of huddles in an age of social distancing’ ... Now, more than ever, it is important to recognise the contribution of huddles not only to patient safety, care and communication, but in enabling our teams to find a place for support and the discussion of the emotional weight of care. Coronavirus is believed to be originated from Wuhan, China. Ministry of Health & Wellness, Jamaica PAHO-WHO World Health Organization (WHO) Ministry of Local Government and Community Development Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Jamaica #ProtectYourselfFromCoronavirus #StayCoronavirusFree #HealthAndWellness #DisasterPreparedness #Pandemic #COVID19Jamaica Prefer to try new dishes at home and avoid food items from outside places. What Are The Signs Of Coronavirus Infection? Defer attending sporting events, gala anniversaries, and concerts till the time the infection comes under control. Social distancing is not something just for the sick, especially because you could have the virus and not experience any symptoms for weeks, or even only have mild symptoms and mistake it for a cold or allergies. If we don’t reduce the number of COVID-19 cases, the hospitals will be overrun and unable to treat everyone who requires help. Social distancing is the act of separating yourself in order to stop the spread of infection. Hota and Rousseau are among the many experts who believe social distancing is an important step for all to take: Describing the broadest examples of social distancing … Gyms are crowded enclosed places where equipment is not sanitized after every use. There are still people who need … Most gyms are closed as of now, but even if yours isn’t it is irresponsible to go. They will have to start choosing who lives and who dies. It is safest to follow government mandates and not eat out or go out for unessential reasons. To stop the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), you should avoid close contact with anyone you do not live with. This makes it hard for even the scientists to find the effective treatment to destroy it. If there is any elderly person in your surroundings, who doesn’t have anyone to support him/her, then help them with their needs. Virtually unheard of just two months ago, no one can be certain of the different ways Covid-19 may spread. It is important for them to strictly obey social distancing rules, and protect their health. You can hold virtual game nights and let your kids FaceTime their friends when they need a social boost, but as of now, it is important to stay out of unnecessary groups. You can find an instructional video on how to make your own mask here. 6 Tips to Transform the Process of Video Editing Using Artificial Intelligence, The Most Popular Content Categories In YouTube And Here’s Why You Should Know About It. As noted above, “social distancing” is a term that was used earlier in the pandemic as many people stayed home to help prevent spread of the virus. To prevent any gathering and spread of infection, schools, and colleges have been closed. Social distancing has reduced the spread of coronavirus to a significant extent. There is separate advice: if you're at high risk of getting seriously ill from coronavirus – see what to do if you're at high risk from coronavirus What is the Importance of Studying Macroeconomics? Digital artwork: "Socially distanced, emotionally together" by Ahnaf Rahman DP1 This will give the hospitals a better chance of being able to stay caught up with the patients and have adequate supplies for them. Coronavirus is contagious in nature. Social distancing, along with regular hand-washing and good hygiene practices, reduces the odds of people unknowingly spreading and contracting the virus. This is called social distancing. It is everyone’s responsibility to curb the transmission of COVID-19 and safeguard each other’s life from the dangerous attack of this virus. Despite rising sales of Dettol, it is unclear whether the virus survives on surfaces. Can I Make Play-Dates for my Kids or Hold Game Nights? It is critical for everyone to start practicing social distancing. Asian countries are severely infected by this virus. "- Yanyew . The parade was not the only reason for the difference in death rates, but the figures show the importance of measures now known as “social distancing” can have during pandemics. 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