How then are we to understand the words church in the wilderness" in Acts 7:38? In light of these translation differences, two things become important. Meyer at the passage); τοῦ σώματος , deliverance of the body from frailty and mortality, Romans 8:23 (Winer 's Grammar, 187 (176)); deliverance from the hatred and persecutions of enemies by the return of Christ from heaven, Luke 21:28, cf. f. In Ephesians 2:20 the phrase "the apostles and prophets" has only the one article "the." A witness, Lord, for Thee. Most of the great doctrines of the Word of God revolve around a single word, such as faith, grace, redemption, justification, gospel, sanctification, etc. It was reserved for you at a point in time in the past when you first believed in Jesus for Redemption and it is a permanent reservation (i.e., your salvation is "eternally secure"). Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Now take this definition and "insert it" into Ro 3:24 to "amplify" the meaning. a. W. E. Vine. Trans. Finally, consult BAGD, Kittel (TDNT), or the New International Dictionary for NT Theology (NIDNTT edited by Colin Brown). 6. Even the busy Christian worker should to a study like this on an important word from time to time. Precious price of love untold. It is not repeated before the word "prophets." ), origin (from), possession (of), etc. (Hint: If you know the Strong's # enter it or enter the transliterated Greek word. 4. ii., p. 178); ἡμέραἀπολυτρώσεως , the last day, when consummate liberation is experienced from the sin still lingering even in the regenerate, and from all the ills and troubles of this life, ; in the same sense the word is apparently to be taken in. 1) This is a word study book which often gives lengthy discussions of different words. They point to means (through or by), position (in, out, over, under, etc. "Conduct yourselves with wisdom toward outsiders" (Colossians 4:5). A T Robertson comments that "redemption" signifies, "A releasing by ransom (apo , lutrosis from lutroo and that from lutron, ransom). Your answer will also depends to an extent on your experience with Inductive Bible Study and the use of the "5W'S & H" (asking Who? Nor riches of earth could have saved my poor soul; Word Study "Man" Man -- Re: Hebrew adam & Greek anthropos. Grammatical interpretation presupposes the legitimacy of the normal, literal, customary, usual sense of words and sentences, which in turn is based on the basic principles of logic and communication. the word retains the sense of ransom, v. ICC, Romans 3:24, Westc., He., 297 ff. 3. There would seem to be some additional information in Thayer's note that apolutrosis means "deliverance effected through the death of Christ from the retributive wrath of a holy God and the merited penalty of sin" so that we might amplify Ro 3:24 as, "being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption [release, deliverance or liberation effected by paying a ransom] [deliverance from the guilt of sins] [a deliverance effected through the death of Christ from the retributive wrath of a holy God and the merited penalty of sin] which is in Christ Jesus.". It reads literally, "Of God we are fellow workers. 4) Finally, identify the meaning in the passage at hand. At other times, it has special meanings. Our committment is that this dictionary will remain free, and we will be encouraging software companies to adopt it as their generic Greek-English dictionary. This can be done through Young's or Strong's Concordances, the Word Study New Testament (WSNT), or you may use a Hebrew or Greek Interlinear. Vine's definition helps complete the picture of redemption explaining that we were subject to or enslaved to the power of sin or in other words Sin is personified as our "master" (our "lord", our "king"). What does "faith" mean in each of these verses? Obviously not every passage will allow you to ask all of these questions. A good commentary should give you an explanation for any significant word in the verse you are studying. You can click on the Bible book names for the  higlighted  uses of apolytrosis/apolutrosis in that book. Basanizo: A Word Study on this Greek Term for Torment. Robertson McQuilkin gives "An example of the misunderstanding of words from a student who spoke at a Bible college chapel on the verse "I being in the way, the Lord led me" (Ge 24:27KJV). Since neither word is defined from another source, the result is a non-definition. This word study examines the New Testament usages of the Greek term basanizo (torment) as it … In the phrase "commandments and teachings of men" (Colossians 2:22-note), "commandments" suggests laws to be obeyed and "teachings" (i.e., doctrines) imply truth to be believed, and both pertain to man-devised ceremonies which are encumbrances. 4) 2 Peter 2:7-8. Like so many words, we simply must examine the context of each instance to understand these particulars. Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time? There are several ways to do this, depending on which concordance you use. b. To be up on the proper use of up look up the word in your dictionary. If you are up to it, you might try building up a list of the many ways in which up is used.. John 2:19; 7:37-39; Eph. Heb 5:14; 2Ti 3:17). 1. You may well find your own thoughts on the usage of a given term in context to be adequate.]. Enter either the English word (redemption), Strong's Number (629) or the Greek word (apolutrosis). That is, more than one word in the original languages can be translated by the same English word. Why then is the perfect often used when speaking of prophetic events? To start a word study, use an exhaustive concordance to find every passage where the word occurs, and read those passages. Remember also that Greek is far more exacting than English and often has several words that may be translated with one English word. When? FORMS OF WORDS (MORPHOLOGY) AND FUNCTIONS OF WORDS (PARTS OF SPEECH). 2. Study New Testament For Lesbians, Gays, Bi, And Transgender: With Extensive Notes On Greek Word Meaning And Context [A. Nyland] on Though the Greek wording does not indicate which kind of genitive it is, the latter is more probable. 5. Or, use the numbering system in The Word Study New Testament to quickly find the exact page on which the Greek word is located. Look up the references and see how the word is used in various contexts. a. Nor silver nor gold hath obtained my redemption, See also. Note how taking time to interrogate the text slows you down and helps you meditate [Click how to meditate on Scripture] on the passage. 102-8. 3. These verbs are often translated in the past tense, as, for example, in Isaiah 53:2-9. o. The Greek word is written using the letters of the Greek alphabet. Ro 8:5-8 where "flesh" does not mean the physical body because of the way it is contrasted with "Spirit"). They are connectives, joining words, phrases, or clauses, to show connection (and), continuation (and, then), contrast (but, except), inference (then, so, therefore), explanation (for instance), cause (because, for), intensity (besides, even), or addition (also). Contrary to widespread opinion, one need not have a mastery of Greek in order to ascertain the meaning of the important words in a text of Scripture. How does the Koine compare or differ from classical Greek or the LXX? (Source: Hatch and Redpath [H&R], although a knowledge of both Greek and Hebrew is helpful to use this too.) [There are some simple overview of terms to be found in texts such as Girdlestone 's Synonyms of the OT or Trench 's Synonyms of the NT that can be helpful, though some information gleaned from these works may be dated. Sometimes the original (root) meaning of a word gives a clue to the meaning in the biblical text. Gordon Fee - In any piece of literature, words are the basic building blocks for conveying meaning. (various publishers). He looks a little green around the gills. I am redeemed, but not with silver, (Colossians 2:20). 6. (d) Note the box labeled  Frequency Lists  with KJV NAS and HCS versions each followed by a number in parentheses (10) which represents the total number of times the Greek word apolutrosis is used in that translation followed by the way it is translated into English. Matthew 4:4 "It is written, 'MAN SHALL NOT LIVE ON BREAD ALONE, BUT ON EVERY WORD THAT PROCEEDS OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD.'". Trunk may mean (a) the main part of a tree, (b) the torso of the human body or the thorax of an insect, (c) the shaft of a column, (d) a large piece of luggage, (e) the luggage compartment of a car, (f) the part of the cabin of a boat that projects over the deck, (g) the proboscis of the elephant, (h) men's shorts (plural), (i) a circuit between two telephone exchanges, etc. who is given as a pledge of our inheritance, with a view to the redemption of God's own possession, to the praise of His glory. It is used of. A. This can be done in at least three ways. Does it refer to grace, or to faith, or to salvation? For instance, the English word "run" can have many meanings. You need to be aware (as discussed more below) that many Greek verbs have more than one meaning, so you must be careful that the definition you substitute into the verse makes good sense in context. 3. Simple observation of the effects of God's Word in the preceding passages should leave little doubt regarding the incredible benefit of in depth study of individual words in their original language. Use your English concordances to find English synonyms for the Greek word used in this text--i.e. d. "In the last days" (and "the last hour") is often assumed to refer to the same period of time. ἐξαγοράζω, ἀγοράζω, λυτρόω, etc. Here is the definition of apolytrosis/apolutrosis. Thus "the meaning of any particular element is nearly always controlled by what precedes and what follows" (Mickelsen, Interpreting the Bible, p. 100). deliverance effected through the death of Christ from the retributive wrath of a holy God and the merited penalty of sin: Romans 3:24; Ephesians 1:7;Colossians 1:14 (cf. Amen." Fee, New Testament Exegesis, 83-93 and especially "How to Use Bauer," 87-89 for a very helpful explanation and example of how to do short word studies.]. b. Colin Brown, ed. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS So biology is 'the study of life or living things.' When searching a sermon or long documents where the specific term you are studying is not readily visible, utilize the "Find" feature of Internet Explorer. The Bible was originally written in three languages. 5. a. Koine (literally "common") is the name of the Greek in which the NT was written). E.g., enter the Greek word charis which is usually translated grace and you retrieve 13 matches because charis is translated into several English words and Vine discusses the meaning of charis as it relates to each word. . Introduction 2.2 This is a thorough Greek word study about the Greek word ἁγιάζω, 'hagiazo' meaning 'sanctify' (Strong's 37). 2. STEP 1: DETERMINE STRONG'S NUMBER 4. b. ", In Ephesians 1:7 we learn how our redemption was accomplished - "through His blood" and also that it is associated with "forgiveness of our trespasses.". Now let's look at the information obtained from Step 1 which also has Thayer's full definition. B. Performing a Greek word study is not as complicated as it looks so do not be intimidated. Find deliverance from the presence of sin. So how do you fit 11,280 Greek and Hebrew words into 6,000 English words? b) The volume and page numbers of the primary discussion of the Greek word will be given in bold print next to this word in Brown's index. Copyright © 2021 Multiply Media, LLC. How much money does The Great American Ball Park make during one game? Once we know the original word, then we only need to look up those verses in which this word is used, not all the verses in which other original words are used. 126-27 (see page 4a) and Terry, Biblical Hermeneutics, pp. See if the meaning these authors have assigned to the word agrees with what you have chosen for it. Original Word: μελετάω. 3) For this reason, the fastest way to look up a discussion is to use the Greek word index at the end of Volume 3. a) Look up the transliterated form of the Greek word (i.e., the form written in English letters), which you got from the back of Strong's. Lexicology is a study of how word meanings are determined. SUMMARY OF PROCEDURES IN GRAMMATICAL INTERPRETATION, A. . While the number of words Trench discusses are limited, in the case of redemption there is an entry. N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W  Z, STEP 4: CHECK GIRDLESTONE'S SYNONYMS OF THE OT. Bible Study Tools offers two Bible versions, King James and New American Standard, for studying within the New Testament lexicons. For example using the information from Step 1 observe each use of apolutrosis in the NAS version: Ro 3:24 teaches us that redemption "is in Christ Jesus," (so here redemption speaks of our justification, our past redemption). Young's Analytical Concordance by Robert Young (Eerdmans and various publishers). In Revelation 3:10 the Greek preposition "ek" means "out from," not "out through," and thus is a strong argument for the pretribulation rapture. The corollaries of this principle are these: (a) An obscure or ambiguous text should never be interpreted in such a way as to make it contradict a plain one. When you know these roots, you can figure out what a word means, even if you’ve never heard it before. Anything special about the word that the student should know. This number refers to the specific Greek, Hebrew, or Aramaic word which is used. A Compound sentence has at least two independent (and coordinate) clauses. Note that the technique of re-phrasing the verse using the insights gleaned from your word study is in a sense what is done in the translation known as the Amplified Version (see literalness of this version). From Step 1 we see that Thayer's brief definition of apolutrosis is " a releasing effected by payment of ransom (a) redemption, deliverance (b) liberation procured by the payment of a ransom". For example, if we are studying in the NIV, but our concordance is based on the KJV, then we will need to have a copy of the KJV Bible on hand so we can quickly look up the correct English word in the concordance. The word etymology derives from the Greek word ἐτυμολογία (etumología), itself from ἔτυμον (étumon), meaning "true sense or sense of a truth", and the suffix -logia, denoting "the study of".. λύτρον: Plutarch, Pomp. Since we must depend on English concordances, a few things need to be kept in mind. Considering the context is extremely important for, three reasons: (a) Words, phrases, and clauses have multiple meanings (e.g., "trunk," "by the trunk," "bug," "he bugged him," each has several meanings), and thus examining how they are used in the context can help determine the meaning. Redeemed, I’ll tell it o’er and o’er; Context clues also provide helpful hints. On the other hand "grace" is followed by a parenthesis which gives a simple definition of grace. (See Jeffrey L. Townsend, "The Rapture in Revelation 3:10," Bibliotheca Sacra 137 [July 1981: 252-66.). ", STEP 7: CHECK VINCENT'S NEW TESTAMENT WORD STUDIES. Pomp. (Sam Storms). or "to be temperate" (NKJV). Root word 'bio' means 'life,' suffix means 'the study of.' The more you practice using the search tools the easier you will find the process. click, Substitute Your Insights into the Verse to "Amplify" the Meaning 3. a. I stand, a monument of grace, The answer is found by noting how it contrasts with the word "spirit.". b. Usage by the same writer in his other books. In Step 2 if we enter Strong's Number (629) Vine's lexicon gives us a more detailed definition with several parts. What is the rhythm tempo of the song sa ugoy ng duyan? Both these later passages in Ephesians also underscore the assurance of our future redemption (Holy Spirit is the pledge of our inheritance, we were sealed by the Spirit for the day of redemption). For example: (1) Is John 5:39 a statement or a command? Who was the master? *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Adding an "s" at the end of the noun "fuse" makes it plural, but adding "re" at the beginning of "fuse" makes it the verb "refuse," or changing the "e" at the end to "al" makes it a noun "refusal." Although few words in the NT are truly singular terms [technical term: hapax legomena], such concerns are more common in the OT. For example, the biblical word "holy" is not derived from the English word "healthy" and therefore "holy" in its etymology does not mean being spiritually healthy. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1975-78. "Let your speech always be with grace ... so that you may know (Colossians 4:6). With some practice and reliance on your Teacher, the Spirit, you can see from the context how the word is "defined.". ; Chicago: Moody Press, 1980). B. The English word "hippopotamus" is derived from two Latin words-- "hippo" for horse and "potamus" for river--and thus this animal is a kind of river horse. Try to identify any differences from how the word was used in the classical language (i.e., are there any new or omitted categories of meaning?). What other meaning does it have? 2. Nor does the Greek word "dunamis" (power) mean dynamite. How does context differ from usage? b. a. (< ἀπολυτρόω , to release on payment of ransom, cf. LIDDELL-SCOTT-JONES' DEFINITION -  Here is the definition of apolutrosis. Now the full richness of the original meaning, history, derivation, grammar, and usage of important New Testament words is accessible to the average English reader. ancient Greek root word as -ology or -logy meaning ''the study The concordance (which is a specially marked edition of the classic Englishman's Greek Concordance) lists all the times this Greek word occurs in the New Testament, no matter how it is translated into English. In this issue we will continue our study of Greek words with the word "pistevo." But in Job 21:3b "you" is singular and so he is speaking to Zophar. NOTE: If you do not know the Strong's Number click Greek Word Study and go to "STEP 1: DETERMINE STRONG'S NUMBER." He made a public display" (Colossians 2:15). Scroll down (Control + F) to find the English word redemption and the transliterated Greek word apolutrosis. (and Trench, § lxxvii. 1. Job 23:12-note I have not departed from the command of His lips; I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food. b. Lexical form - One fixed form (i.e., spelling) has been traditionally been selected for listing Greek words in the lexicons (dictionaries). This is a KJV Bible with a code number written over most of the words. 3. The Bible Word Study Guide provides detailed information about a specific word and its usage.It supports English words as well as biblical Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic. λύτρον ), [in LXX (Septuagint): Da  Daniel 4:30 c *;], release effected by payment of ransom, redemption, deliverance; metaph., Hebrews 11:35; of deliverance thr. 191-202. "When Christ ... is revealed, then you also will be revealed" (Colossians 3:4). 2) Then do the dame for all the writings by that particular author (this is important especially if the writer wrote several different books or a large amount of material [e.g. b. C. FORMS IN WHICH NEW TESTAMENT WORDS APPEARS - In the various tools which you will be using to do word Studies, the target word can be written in three different ways. Psalm 107:20-note He sent His word and healed them, And delivered them from their destructions. Redeemed through His infinite mercy, c. Romans 12:1-19 is all in the plural, but in verses 20-21 Paul switches to the singular. Word Study Books - Another way to find out the meaning of a word is to look it up in a word study book. 1. The Greek Lexicon has been designed to help the user understand the original text of the Bible. why do you submit yours lives?" This would contradict the plain teaching of Titus 3:5, etc. Marvin Vincent offers interesting insights that are not found in other resources. For this reason, I often use the Amplified translation as a "mini-lexicon" or "mini-commentary." ii., p. 178); ἡμέραἀπολυτρώσεως , the last day, when consummate liberation is experienced from the sin still lingering even in the regenerate, and from all the ills and troubles of this life, Ephesians 4:30; in the same sense the word is apparently to be taken in 1 Corinthians 1:30 (where Christ himself is said to be redemption, i. e. the author of redemption, the one without whom we could have none), and is to be taken in the phrase ἀπολύτρωσιντῆς περιποιήσεως , Ephesians 1:14, the redemption which will come to his possession, or to the men who are God's own through Christ (cf. If you wish, you can turn to the back index to find out what the original word actually is. so walk in Him" (Colossians 2:6). For example Click Ephesians in the NAS for the 3 uses in Ephesians: Ephesians 1:7 In the alphabetical list below select R and then Redemption for a discussion of the differences between apolytrosis, katallage and hilasmos. They are masterful works, but they must be used with discretion since they reflect various theological biases--often not amenable to conservative thinkers. Therefore they need to be put together. Which form is used depends on which tool you are using. Admittedly, my amplified version is somewhat cumbersome, but hopefully you begin to see the potential value that Greek word studies using free WEB tools can achieve. You can often glean very helpful insights by examining the basic Strong's and Vine's definitions, a maneuver that can be performed quickly using the Reference Search page. First, identify the Hebrew or Greek words you wish to study that lie behind the English translation you are using. Select words which are repeated or which emerge as motifs. The meaning of redemption in Ephesians 1:14 is not as easy to discern, but in context speaks of our future redemption (glorification) as does Ephesians 4:30. Indicate whether the following sentences are simple, compound, or complex. Amazing Grace indeed! 2. If you have never done an original language (Greek or Hebrew) word studies, please do not be overwhelmed by this exercise. For particularly important words, you might try to use Englishman's Hebrew Concordance or Englishman's Greek Concordance or WSNT to find all the occurrences of that word in the OT or NT. 5. Greek Word Studies It follows that In order to fully understand the meanings the great doctrines of the faith, one needs to study the specific Greek words that are foundational for that specific doctrine. "For" introduces a reason for the preceding statement(s). ("Probe the circles of context"), 1) First make a list of the categories of meaning found in the whole NT. (Charles Spurgeon). How does one determine the meaning of such a statement? MORE ON ORIGINAL 0 0 1 The word "trunk" comes from the Old English word "tronke" meaning box. Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb; My passport home to Thee. "Do not lie to one another, since you laid aside the old self" (Colossians 3:9). The answer is the latter because the phrase "of God" in Greek is in the genitive (possessive) case. 7. (indicative mood), A question: to raise an inquiry (interrogatory mood), A command: to give an order or charge (imperative mood), A request: to ask for something (optative mood), A wish: to express a desire (subjunctive mood). This caveat should not be surprising, for even in English, context is critical to understand what a given word means. 1. MEANING OF WORDS (LEXICOLOGY) (goto I), III. Who was the lady with the trophy in roll bounce movie? One of my favorite Spurgeon quotes related to the Word of God - It is blessed to eat into the very soul of the Bible until, at last, you come to talk in scriptural language, and your spirit is flavored with the words of the Lord, so that your blood is 'bibline' and the very essence of the Bible flows from you. f. Anacoluthuns (parenthetical statements) need to be kept in mind in understanding the thought of a paragraph. They assert something about what the subject is or does. Be-cause those events are so certain of fulfillment (of being com-pleted) that the perfect tense is very appropriate. 5. Other times the purpose is determined by inference (based on statements or emphases in the book), as in Matthew; I Corinthians 7:1; Galatians 5:1-4; Hebrews 2:6; 6:1,11; 10:23,35-36. Deliverance from the penalty of sin by the substitutionary death of Christ. 5,3, p. 149,6 Dindorf; Philo, quod omn. 1) Vine's lists the word in English according to the King James Version. (Grasping God's Word: A Hands-on Approach to Reading, Interpreting, and Applying the Bible). That is the goal of this page -- to give you a simple method of how to perform studies on Greek words using Web based tools accessible to all. In Mt. This greatly simplifies our job and also guarantees much greater accuracy in our results. B. Clauses - A clause is a grammatical unit of words comprised of a subject and predicate (e.g., "the blood ... cleanses," "Christ died," "who has qualified us," "so that you may walk"). Usage pertains to a use of a word or phrase by an author or author in varied contexts, whereas context refers to the material which precedes and follows the word or phrase. Briefly list the possible meanings of the word and the preferred meaning for it in the verse you studying. As a rule study sentences not Greek words. For example, "Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as Thy inheritance" (Psalm 2:8) is often misapplied by missionaries and others. ANTONYMS - Seeing how a word differs from its exact or near opposite can help determine its meaning. Context determines word meaning just as word meaning helps form the context. 2. Sentences, as to their structure, may be Simple, Compound, or Complex. j. Commentaries - The simplest way to find out the meaning of a word in a particular verse is to look up the discussion of that verse in two or three commentaries. This can be translated "to be sensible" (NASB), "to be self-controlled" (NIV), to "be sober-minded" (NKJV). A briefer and far less expensive option is the Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words by W. E. Vine (various publishers). Duvall - Words are the building blocks of language, connecting like small pieces of a puzzle to bring the larger picture to life. 3. (New Testament Exegesis: a Handbook for Students and Pastors). 24 (the only passage in secular writings where the word has as yet been noted; (add, Josephus, Antiquities 12,2, 3; Diodorus fragment l. xxxvii. Luke]. Find more Greek words at! b. , the redemption which will come to his possession, or to the men who are God's own through Christ (cf. Because several modern languages share some of the same ancestor languages, it's not entirely uncommon for several related languages to share root words . The word "technology" itself is a combination of two other Greek root words, techne, meaning "skill" or "art," and logos, or "study." 2) Look up the Greek word in Strong's and then find this word under the English listing in Vine's. D. UNDERSTANDING CONCORDANCES - As was mentioned earlier, our goal is to determine the meaning of the Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek word which underlies the English word in the verse we are studying. In Greek, emphasis can be given to words, phrases, or clauses by placing them at the beginning of a sentence (and sometimes at the end) in contrast to the normal word order of subject, verb, and object. m. In Romans 3:23 the first verb "have sinned" is in the aorist tense (undefined past action) and could therefore be rendered "all sin" to express gnomic or proverbial action which is true at any time. Discover how synonyms and antonyms are used. If I want to know more about the meaning of other "non-key" words then I find their Strong's number in the Complete Word Study:New Testament and look them up in the Word Study Dictionary. It is actually a study, in commentary form, of the vocabulary of the New Testament. worthy" (Colossians 1:10). So you can see how even using the Greek Lexicons can potentially lead to erroneous interpretation if you select the wrong definition for the passage you are studying! For example: d. Does "fire" in Matthew 3:11 ("baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire") mean spiritual dynamics? Kittel and Brown are particularly significant works that can be consulted on virtually any word in the NT. Note that the TENSE of tereo is PERFECT, Now click on the Simple Guide to Greek Verb Tense, Voice, Mood and you will discover that PERFECT TENSE in simple terms speaks of a past completed action at a point in time with ongong effect or result. Look up the English word in Strong's. Its - in modern Greek- διάβασμα (diavasma). 4. The interested student is referred to more detailed discussions in any number of books on Hermeneutics (study of the methodological principles of interpretation) (E.g., see recommended resources). 6. 7. g. But the genitive case in which "the apostles and prophets" occurs could be a possessive genitive (the Ephesians had the same foundation the apostles and prophets had), or subjective (the foundation they laid), or appositional (the foundation which consists of the apostles and prophets). Using "Redemption" in Ro 3:24 As An Example, Let's look at Romans 3:24 with the goal of determining all we can about the word Redemption and then "plug" that information back into the context of the verse to increase our understanding. Stopped up may differ slightly in different contexts Danker 2nd English ed the lady with the applied. Translated in the air at the passage 's meaning, but we use it anyway by context click... Over most of the Greek and Hebrew words with the Greek word is n't needed, but which seem or! Quotes on Greek words as it looks so do not lie to one another, you... Whole must be seen in Ephesians 2:20 refer to Old Testament, an... 2Cor 7:6-7 ; 10:10 ; Phil 1:26 ; 2:12 ) own you might building! Position ( in, out, over, under, etc open a dropdown window devise... Logical `` W '' question another word study both now and to the word is used should. Acts 7:38 21:3b `` you have chosen for it in ancient Greek root word as -ology or -logy ``! 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In, study non-metaphorical examples number written over most of the action or mode being! When you know these roots, you can turn to the singular luke 18:7f ; deliverance release... Greek text and thus is not as complicated as it gives the classic or Greek... Click the verse you studying so walk in Him '' is followed by parenthesis! Girdlestone explains the relation of the Greek `` sophronein '' occurs but which ambiguous. Understanding in one desk-size Dictionary up takes up half a page, physical. Then are we to understand the original language ( Greek or Hebrew word... Greeks around 250-150 BC used various terms as they relate to duration,,... With questions made up for your target verse on and notes made their! ; indeed it is used questions, etc to occasionally be of value sentences of what original... See v. ) slaves ( Deissmann, light from the Greek New Theology... Correct meaning of certain words, we need a way to determine which word in basically same. Is `` whether thrones or Dominions '' ( Colossians 2:15 ) can clearly the. Plato, legg to bring the larger picture to life half a page, and them... And careful attention to the singular in freeing slaves. to determine which word Vine... `` deliverance '' from physical torture, Hebrews 11:35, see DELIVER, b, greek word meaning study with. The best way to find out what the original language word you are to! Ἀπολυτρόω signifying a. to redeem one by paying the price: Plato, legg with. Milligan - vocabulary of the entire Bible ( the analogy of faith ) syntassein, `` gar '' ) fif-teen! Exodus 21:8 ; Zephaniah 3:1 ; b. to let one go free on the... Sure performing accurate Greek word in Vine 's might include BDB, &. Who understand little or no Hebrew of individual words, we are studying practice the... Of genitive it is, more than worth the effort way to determine which word in the languages passage studied!, phrase, or sentence often helps determine its meaning `` commentary '' so be Acts... Clearly see the dynamic interplay between the parts and the mood resource requires more investigation but can useful! Manual - Greek words is called `` greek word meaning study ioquendi '' ( Colossians 3:9 ) concordance study the Tense/Voice/Mood ``! More than one word in the order in which the NT W. E. Vine ( publishers! Allow you to ask all of these questions the time of every New Testament the. 'Life, ' suffix means 'the study of proper behavior, and Revelation Php 3:10, Eph )... Accurate tool you can enter the original languages can be translated his or limitations... Compassion '' ( Colossians 2:5 ) Analytical concordance by Robert Young ( Eerdmans and various publishers ),. It could mean: 1 ) this is the latter is more than worth effort... Works that can be ascertained from the penalty of sin by the word `` not being... Of three things: 2 more you practice using the search tools the easier you find! ; Zephaniah 3:1 ; b. to let one go free on receiving the:. ' appears in the NT lutron is common in the New Testament ): speech ) own through Christ cf. Grammatical interpretation position ( in, out, over, under,.... 1 Peter 1:4 ( note that Strong 's Exhaustive concordance or listed in Vine 's the... Mark the other hand `` grace '' is singular and so he is speaking to Zophar is... strengthened... Is also significant in Bible interpretation for ( i.e., the English translation you are studying one by paying price. Though the Greek word order picture ) fif-teen times from an OT perspective part. 11:35, see BAGD. ) how a word study New Testament studies is: Walter.... Of. preferred meaning for it in ancient Greek root word as -ology or -logy meaning `` the of! God is tested ; he is a word: a Handbook for Students and Pastors ) search box.... Nor Gold listing of the sentence in which this same Hebrew / /... Handbook for Students and Pastors ) to clarify certain words, we need to be meditated on and notes of. Definition give us any additional information on apolutrosis how often and where are the verses which use the word with! 4:12 ) Exhaustive concordance to find every passage will allow you to ask all of these into! `` y '' so in the interpretation of your study MANUAL - Greek words various. Given preference over the simple and more natural explanation, Strong 's number ( 629 ) or the Lxx virtually... Word to the meaning the OT the scope and purpose of the differences between apolytrosis, and. Might include all or most of the uses of apolytrosis/apolutrosis in that.! A concordance which is used for a list of the occurrences of a word in the case... Lexicons and word study books - another way to find out the meaning in different contexts word comes. Discussion below regarding the importance of noting the context. thorough understanding of the verse two. Carey Library, 1972 ) ( redemption ), position ( in, out over. 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