It eventually attempted to land without the landing gear extended. At interview, the pilot in command (PIC) of B137 reported the wind speed at the Adaminaby fire-ground was 50 kt[6] at 800 ft above ground level (AGL), and about 37 kt at the retardant drop height of 200 ft AGL. The CVR fitted to the aircraft was a Universal model CVR-30B, part number 1603-02-03, serial number 1541. The flight engineer joined the operator in November 2019, after about 25 years in the US military. All the assessed sequences, which included jettison of the load during an emergency condition,[17] were recorded as satisfactory. Consequently, one of the two survivors was moved to a public hospital in the city centre instead of hospitals closer to the crash site. The engine manufacturer attended the engine inspections, where it was confirmed that all engines were rotating at impact, and there were no noted pre-existing issues. A minimum equipment list is a list that identifies items, subject to specific conditions, which may be unserviceable at the commencement of a flight, and is approved by the FAA. It's the deadliest crash in Ireland in decades, and it's up to the Irish Air Accident Investigation Unit to figure out what went wrong. The operator’s records show they signed on between 0800 and 1000, and signed off between 1700 and 2100, with their duty times varied between 7.5 and 12 hours per day. It was the first fatal accident in the airline's history. On receipt of the tasking to Adaminaby, the birddog pilot reviewed the weather and concluded that the conditions were forecast to be worse than previously experienced, and therefore declined the task. The PIC and co-pilot commenced work in Australia on 1 December 2019 and the flight engineer on 13 January 2020. This was the co-pilot’s first fire season. Mayday Air crash investigations. At 1315:15,[12] the retardant drop was conducted on a heading of about 190° and at about 190 ft AGL (3,595 above mean sea level (AMSL)) with a drop time of about 2 seconds. The "series breakdown" page on Cineflix's website lists a 20th season consisting of ten 60-minute episodes scheduled for release in 2019. A detailed review of the available recorded data is ongoing and will be included in the ATSB’s final investigation report. While B137 was still at the fire-ground, at about 1205, B134 departed Richmond with the PIC, co‑pilot and flight engineer on board. A final report will be released at the conclusion of the investigation. Readers are cautioned that new evidence will become available as the investigation progresses that will enhance the ATSB's understanding of the accident as outlined in this preliminary report. The video captured the aircraft at about an 18° left angle of bank at 13:15:25, and then at about a 6° right angle of bank at 13:15:27. The RADS included a 4,000 US gallons (15,000 L) tank system located within the aircraft’s fuselage. Shortly after, at about 1315:37, the aircraft collided with terrain and a post-impact fuel-fed fire ensued. Figure 3: Aircraft attitude and approximate flight path at key times, Source: Google earth, witness videos and Skytrac data, annotated by the ATSB. There was no retardant identified between the drop area and the initial impact location, however, a large amount of retardant was located in the wreckage near the tank. TV Show. The automatic dependent surveillance broadcast (ADS-B) data showed that after arriving at the Adaminaby fire-ground (Figure 1), the crew of B134 completed several circuits at about 2,000 ft AGL. [18] The landing gear was still in the retracted position when the aircraft attempted its first landing. 2.2K likes. A further 7 seconds after this, at 1315:34, the aircraft was seen at a very low height above the ground, in a left bank. The ATSB’s on-site examination of the wreckage, damage to the surrounding vegetation, and ground markings, indicated that the aircraft initially impacted a tree in a left wing down attitude, of about 55°, before colliding with the ground. On 18 April 2019, the PIC’s latest airplane pilot qualification card was issued from the US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service,[15] for the C130 aircraft, which included the authorised missions of: Low level (below 500 ft above ground level); Mountainous terrain; and Airtanker Initial Attack. [69], A fourteen-page preliminary report on the accident was released on 24 June. [15], According to officials from Pakistan's Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), complications had arisen during the aircraft's first descent. The accident flight occurred on the PIC’s 9th day, and the co-pilot’s and flight engineer’s 11th day of their respective current duty periods. All recovered audio was from a previous flight when the aircraft was operating in the United States. The ATSB’s analysis of this footage is continuing and will be included in the final investigation report. The modifications included the installation of an avionics package and firefighting tank system known as Retardant Aerial Delivery System XXL (RADS). [28] At about 1330 (14 minutes after the accident), the station recorded a mean wind of 16 kt from the west and a peak gust of 42 kt from the north-west. [3][4]:10 and was near the end of its 90-minute journey,[5] when it crashed at around 14:45 (09:45 UTC)[6][7] into the densely-populated neighborhood of Model Colony[8] around 3 kilometres (1.9 miles) from the airport. Eight people on the ground were also injured in the accident, and one of them later died from her injuries. [66] The engines had scraped the runway three times on the pilot's first attempt to land, causing friction and sparks. QNH: the altimeter barometric pressure subscale setting used to indicate the height above mean sea level. Just prior to this, from about 1315:25, a right roll was observed on the video. One of the airport's CCTV cameras recorded the aircraft's first landing attempt and screenshots from the recording were used in the preliminary report. The PIC was initially trained as a navigator and pilot in the United States Air National Guard. The co-pilot also held a flight instructor certificate with ratings for single, multi-engine and instrument aircraft, issued by the FAA on 14 August 2019. There were no indications of fatigue for the three crew members. This was the flight engineer’s first fire season. This resulted in a take-off weight of about 147,253 lb (66,826 kg) and centre of gravity at the aft limit. The accident site was located on slightly sloping, partially wooded terrain, about 50 km north-east of the Cooma-Snowy Mountains Airport. At about the same time, the RFS ground firefighters at the Good Good fire-ground, near Feeney’s Road in Peak View, contacted the Cooma FCC and requested additional assets for property protection. During that call, it was noted that the smaller firefighting aircraft were not flying in the area due to strong winds and poor visibility. [14], AP-BLD, the aircraft involved in the accident, seen in 2016, Aviation accidents and incidents in Pakistan. In addition, the ATSB has conducted a detailed examination of the aircraft, engines and propellers; reviewed recorded RFS radio calls; and engaged C130 subject matter experts. A Bureau of Meteorology graphical area forecast, issued at 0924 and valid for the time of the flight, forecast moderate mountain wave activity above 3,000 ft (above mean sea level) in the area of operation from Richmond to Cooma, and included the Adaminaby and Good Good fire grounds. The aircraft subsequently departed at 1127, with the crew having been notified by the Richmond airbase manager[5] that there was no birddog in the area, and that it ‘is very windy down there’. [5][12] Video footage of the crash scene showed emergency teams trying to reach the scene amid the rubble, clouds of black smoke and flames in the background. The system also included an emergency dump switch, which, when activated, fully opened the doors and jettisoned the load. The flight engineer’s check flight was completed with the operator on 20 November 2019. [5] ISPR, the Pakistani military's media wing, reported that special forces of the Pakistan Army and Pakistan Rangers had set up a cordon. July 28, 2019. [6] The pandemic had already stretched the healthcare resources of the city and the crash intensified the burden. [21], The narrow streets and alleys comprising the area inhibited the rescue services. The aircraft was initially built as an EC130Q, however, all specialised military equipment had been removed, and it was considered to be the equivalent of a C130H. The co-pilot had joined the operator in September 2019, after 20 years in the military, including experience flying the C130. [4]:12, In the footage of the crash from the CCTV camera on the building near the crash site, the aircraft's landing gear was extended at the moment of impact. 45:46. Shortly after, at about 1316, the aircraft collided with terrain and a post-impact fuel-fed fire ensued. The system was capable of delivering discrete quantities of retardant, dependent on the duration that the doors remained open. The co-pilot’s logbook combined with the operator’s records showed a total flying experience of about 1,744 hours, of which about 1,364 were on the C130. Table 2 shows the parameters recorded by SkyTrac and ADS-B. About 12 minutes prior to the accident, the Cooma-Snowy Mountains Airport weather station indicated a wind speed of 25 kt, gusting to 39 kt, from a direction of 320°. The flight engineer’s most recent second-class medical examination was issued on 27 August 2019 with no limitations. Each crew member’s roster cycle was 14 duty days followed by two rest days. The aircraft then became obscured by smoke.[13]. Australia attempts to rescue hundreds of stranded pilot whales . The drop quantity could be controlled either as a pre-set percentage by the crew, or alternatively, if selected at 100 per cent, the crew could control the amount of retardant released by holding the button until the desired amount was dispensed. The centre of gravity remained close to the aft limit, which was consistent with the reports from the operator’s other crews that the location of the RADS tank in the aircraft meant there was no appreciable change in the centre of gravity following a retardant drop. Friction marks on the runway suggested there had been some ground contact; at the runway's 1,400-metre (4,500 ft) mark, the plane's left engine is believed to have scraped the runway; at the 1,700-metre (5,500 ft) mark, the right engine made contact. At about 1155, B137 arrived overhead the Adaminaby fire-ground. [51][52] One of the survivors was identified as banker Zafar Masud, who is the CEO of the Bank of Punjab. It forecast moderate mountain wave activity[21] above 3,000 ft AMSL and severe turbulence below 8,000 ft AMSL in the area of operation from Richmond to Cooma. On-site measurements of the flap screw jacks indicated the flaps were set at 50 per cent at impact. [27] The aircraft had logged 47,124 flight hours. A personal weather station at Peak View, located about 1.3 km from both the drop and accident sites (Figure 5) recorded the conditions twice per hour. Witness videos taken of the aircraft leading up to the accident showed a number of passes conducted at varying heights prior to the retardant drop. In addition, as B137 was already en route to Adaminaby, the crew of that aircraft would be able to provide a report to the birddog pilot and other crews of the actual conditions. [57][58], The investigation is being conducted by Pakistan's Aircraft Accident Investigation Board (AAIB). Dramatized reconstruction of real-life air disasters, along with interviews with aviation experts and eyewitnesses. [18] Initially registered as N130CG in 2018, its registration was later changed to N134CG in April 2019. The aircraft was equipped with four trailing edge flaps. The drop run emergency was a simulated ‘down air’ [downdraught] with the comment ‘Jettison for down air’. Fuel samples were retained from the two fuel tankers that last serviced the aircraft and from the refuelling storage tank at Richmond. This solid-state memory CVR recorded crew and cockpit audio for a recording duration of at least 30 minutes. As such, no analysis or findings are included. The co-pilot held a current airline transport pilot certificate and ratings for multi-engine land aircraft, including the EC130Q (second-in-command privileges only), issued by the FAA on 7 November 2019. [42][needs update] Edhi Foundation has reported about 19 bodies being taken away by relatives by force from its morgue, without providing proof to establish identity or waiting for identification through DNA testing. About 4 seconds after the drop at 1315:21, the aircraft had a pitch-up attitude of about 12°, with an increase to about 30° angle of bank. Accredited representatives from the United States National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) have been appointed to participate in the investigation. The recording ceased immediately after the fourth landing, and the post-landing taxi and engine shutdowns were not recorded. September 22, 2020. 2.4K likes. Mechanical turbulence results from airflow over or around irregular terrain or man-made objects. [13], Residents said it is not uncommon for aircraft on final approach to pass so close to building rooftops that they "feel ... we can touch it", given the proximity of the runways. IFR-capable aircraft have greater equipment and maintenance requirements. Following the Australian fire season, the aircraft and crews then return to North America for heavy maintenance and recurrent training prior to the US fire season. [48][49], Pakistan had allowed domestic flights to resume, following suspension during the COVID-19 pandemic, six days earlier on 16 May. Figure 2: B134’s approach and circuits overhead the drop location, and the position of the firefighters, Source: Google earth and Skytrac data, annotated by the ATSB, The ATSB’s analysis of the witness videos found that, at the completion of the drop at 1315:17, the aircraft was observed to be banked about 17° to the left (Figure 3). [23] According to a witness statement collected by Reuters, the plane hit a mobile phone tower in the vicinity of the airport as it crashed. Related Pages. The PIC’s training with the operator in March and April 2019[16] included annual C130 simulator training, controlled flight into terrain awareness, and crew resource management. [11] One of the pilots told the controller, "we are returning back, sir, we have lost engines." The co-pilot’s check flight with the operator was completed on the C130 on 12 September 2019, and was assessed as satisfactory against the qualification standards for second-in-command. About 5 minutes later, the Richmond air base manager also attempted to contact B134 to confirm ‘ops normal’, firstly by radio, and then by text to the PIC’s mobile phone, but did not receive a response. All flaps had separated from the aircraft during the impact sequence. [11] Khan also announced an inquiry,[45] while PIA was reported to have shut down its website. Air … [36][37], Meeran Yousaf, the spokesman of Sindh Health Department, has said eight residents of the Model Colony were injured in the crash and most victims' corpses had suffered burns. This made it impossible for the aircraft to maintain altitude, causing it to crash during its return to the airfield. ATSB releases C-130 large air tanker accident interim report, ATSB releases C-130 large air tanker accident preliminary report, Australia's national transport safety investigator, Read more information on this investigation phase, - click for an explanation of investigation levels, Human Factors for Transport Safety Investigators course, Information Publication Scheme - Agency Publication Plan, Aviation safety investigations and reports, Investigation procedures, terminology and deciding whether to investigate, Hazards at aviation accident sites: Guidance for police and emergency personnel, Mandatory - Aviation accident or incident notification, Voluntary - REPCON Aviation Confidential Reporting Scheme, Terminology, investigation procedures and deciding whether to investigate, Mandatory - Marine accident or incident notification, Voluntary - REPCON Marine Confidential Reporting Scheme, Investigation procedures and deciding whether to investigate, Railway accident guidelines for operators, police and emergency personnel, Mandatory - Rail accident or incident notification, Voluntary - REPCON Rail Confidential Reporting Scheme. On 5 February 2020, the Boeing 737-800 operating the route skidded off the runway while landing at Istanbul - Sabiha Gökçen International Airport, Turkey. Procedures and training are significantly more complex as a pilot must demonstrate competency in IMC conditions while controlling the aircraft solely by reference to instruments. A CVR system check was not included in any of the operator’s checklists, and none of the operator’s flight crew were aware of the need to check this system status prior to flight. On 23 January 2020, at about 1205 Eastern Daylight-saving Time,[1] a Lockheed EC130Q (C‑130) aircraft, registered N134CG and contracted to the New South Wales (NSW) Rural Fire Service, departed Richmond RAAF Base, NSW. No audio from the accident flight was recorded on the CVR. At the same time, the aircraft pitch attitude had decreased to about 6°. As of September 2020, a total of 180 episodes of Mayday had been aired, including five Science of Disaster specials and three Crash Scene Investigation spin-offs, which do not examine aircraft crashes. At about 1242, the crew of B134 contacted air traffic control (ATC), advising them of the co‑ordinates they would be working at, provided an ‘ops normal’[9] call time, and confirmed there was no reported instrument flight rules[10] traffic in the area. Video of the crash scene shows that the aircraft serial number was 11–9358, msn 9358. The crew had been tasked with a fire retardant drop over the ‘Adaminaby Complex’ bush fire. The ATSB’s on-site examination (Figure 8) also found: The RADS tank remained upright (Figure 8), along with the aft section of the fuselage, with the vertical and horizontal stabilisers attached. Inertia switches are designed to stop the recording function by removing power to the CVR when a pre-set deceleration force is detected. The RADS system was designed that, if less than 100 per cent volume was selected, the system would disarm after a partial load drop, and the crew would need to re-arm the system to complete further releases. The aircraft was lost in international waters and, in such circumstances, Annex 13 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation places a responsibility on the State of Registration of the aircraft, in this case the USA as repre… (KSLA) - Two people are dead after a plane crash near Barksdale Air Force Base (BAFB), officials with the base confirm. Significant meteorological information (SIGMET): a weather advisory service that provides the location, extent, expected movement and change in intensity of potentially hazardous (significant) or extreme meteorological conditions that are dangerous to most aircraft, such as thunderstorms or severe turbulence. In July 2018, the aircraft manufacturer published service bulletin 382-57-97 to address accelerated structural fatigue for C130 aircraft performing air tanker operations. The NSW Rural Fire Service fire danger ratings provide an indication of the possible consequences of a fire and are based on predicted conditions including but not limited to temperature, humidity, wind and the dryness of the landscape. The system could deliver discrete quantities of retardant, dependant on the duration that the doors remained open. [68] In the report, the Captain was cited as being "overconfident". The CVR was successfully downloaded, however, no audio from the accident flight had been recorded. It was controlled from the cockpit, with drop controls located on both the PIC and co-pilot yokes. World powers set to take the stage, virtually, at UN debate ... Air crash investigations. [5][9][29][30][15] The death toll was confirmed as 97, consisting solely of those on board the plane[11][31] but later one of those injured on the ground died. Figure 8: Main aircraft wreckage components. N134CG arrived in Australia in November 2019. The aircraft flight and maintenance log entry for 22 January 2020 indicated the PIC had the aircraft refuelled to a total of 34,000 lb (15,422 kg) at the completion of flying the previous day. At that time, B134 was about 112 km north-east of Adaminaby, en route to the Adaminaby fire-ground. Data broadcast by the ADS-B equipment fitted to the aircraft for ATC purposes was also obtained from various providers. 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