Bio-diversity is the diversity of life on earth and it is not distributed uniformly across the globe. Ex situ conservation . Through the conservation of biodiversity and the survival of many species and habitats which are threatened due to human activities can be ensured. biodiversity conservation. Landrac. Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Action Plan (2011-2030) in which strategic goals, strategic tasks and priority areas and actions are identified for biodiversity conservation in China for the next two decades. Ex-situ conservation is the preservation of components of biological diversity outside their natural habitats. Strategies for conservation of biodiversity - definition. 2. alternatively, ex situ conservation measures includes botanical gardens, preservation plots, gene banks, arboretums, etc. In the post-COVID-19 context, the strategy aims to build our societies’ resilience to future threats such as. Advantages of in-situ conservation: 1. 5. It doesn’t require species to adjust to a new habitat. In situ, biodiversity conservation has many advantages. soil microbial processes, evolutionary processes, specific ecosystems such as coral reefs or species with highly specialised needs). In-situ conservation of biodiversity is the conservation of species within their natural habitat. This requires conservation of the components of the natural system (populations, species, communities and biophysical systems) as well as the ecological and evolutionary processes occurring within that system. In-Situ Conservation Strategies: In situ conservation means ‘on-site conservation’. Boundaries of sanctuaries are not well defined and controlled biotic interference is permitted, e.g., tourist activity. Threatened species are breeded in captivity and then released in the natural habitats. Purpose and use of in-situ conservation strategies, Examples of in-situ conservation initiatives, The relationship between in-situ and ex-situ conservation, Convention on Biological Diversity (1992) Convention on Biological Diversity Article 2. Front Ecol Environ 6:321–328, Primack RB (2012) Conservation Outside Protected Areas. Ex situ conservation literally means, "off-site conservation". It is the process of protecting an endangered plant or animal species in its natural habitat, either by protecting or cleaning up the habitat itself, or by defending the species from predators. we save the entire forest to save the tiger. Report a Violation, Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity. A sub-committee on biodiversity has been created by the Philippine Council for Sustainable Development and is chaired by DENR's Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau. Its conservation embraces maintenance, sustainable utilization, and restoration, of the lost and degraded biodiversity through two basic and complementary strategies called in situ and ex situ . Plagiarism Prevention 4. They are usually small reserves spreading in an area of 100 Sq. Conf. 5. In-situ conservation aims to enable biodiversity to maintain itself within the context of the monitoring of, Control of threats to biodiversity such as, Preservation and maintenance of traditional knowledge and practices; and. Describe at least two approaches each for ex-situ conservation and in situ conservation as a strategy for biodiversity conservation. The life cycles of the organisms and their evolution progresses in a natural way. Biodiversity plays a vital role in boosting the ecosystem. Conservation approaches that are more … Conserv. Table. (iii )Biosphere reserves, national parks and sanctuaries (iv) Sacred groves. Table. Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) 1992 1. This process protects the inhabitants and ensures the sustainability of … strategy relies on national parks and other protected areas - or unprotected areas with minimal human disturbance - to maintain the population sizes and structures necessary to protect genetic integrity in wild species or populations of wild relatives of crop plants. A VARIOUS BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION STRATEGIES Jaydeep Purohit*1, Er. Preserving the … Situ Approach. Some zoos have undertaken captive breeding programmes. In situ and ex situ conservation: Complementary approaches for maintaining biodiversity Haileab Zegeye Department of Biology, Faculty of Natural and Computational Sciences, Debre Tabor University, P. O. Ex situ conservation literally means, "off-site conservation". Article 8 of theConvention on Biological Diversity (CBD) specifies in-situ conservation as the primary conservation strategy, and states that ex-situ measures should play a supportive role to reach conservation targets. In-situ conservation is the on-site conservation or the conservation of genetic resources in natural populations of plant or animal species, such as forest genetic resources in natural populations of Teagan species. Content Guidelines 2. Ex situ conservation literally means, "off-site conservation". A national park is an area which is strictly reserved for the betterment of the wildlife and where activities like forestry, grazing on cultivation are not permitted. 3. Content Filtrations 6. Ex situ conservation. It is less expensive and easy to manage. To provide support for research related to monitoring and education, local, national and global issues. 2. TOS 7. In-situ conservation is one of two basic conservation strategies, alongside. It is the conservation and protection of genetic resources of plant and animal species in their natural habitats itself. Here, the plant or animal species are protected in their natural habitat. Some research and educational activities are permitted here. Generally, lakes, which are protected from human encroachment such as Lake Agu (among the Kyoga satellite lakes), are very valuable in biodiversity conservation and are being recommended for protection. In zoos wild animals are maintained in captivity and conservation of wild animals (rare, endangered species). Endangered animals on the verge of extinction are successfully breeded. There is an urgent need, not only to manage and conserve the biotic wealth, … The flora and fauna live in natural habitats without human interference. In situ conservation : (i) Identification and maximum protection of 'hot spots‘ (ii) Legal protection to ecologically rich areas. South Africa is signatory to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and is committed to the implementation of a national strategy to conserve plants that aligns with the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC). Strategies for conservation of biodiversity - definition. In-situ conservation is being done by declaring area as protected area. Ex-situ conservation, which is also known as off-site conservation, refers to the conservation of endangered species in the artificial or man-made habitats that imitate their natural habitats, e.g. A botanical garden is a place where flowers, fruits and vegetables are grown. Before publishing your articles on this site, please read the following pages: 1. It is useful for declining population of species. Generally, lakes, which are protected from human encroachment such as Lake Agu (among the Kyoga satellite lakes), are very valuable in biodiversity conservation and are being recommended for protection. Translocation is carried in following cases: 1. Botanic Gardens Conservation International, Richmond, UK, Myer L, Klemick H, Guarino L, Smale M, Br AHD, Sadiki M, Sthapit B (2000) A Training Guide for In Situ Conservation On-Farm. It offers less mobility to the animals as it is smaller in area than the area of in-situ conservation. to enable a species population to self-replicate and maintain its potential for continued evolution 3. Little or no management. Tech. The method involves capture, maintenance and captive breeding on long term basis of individuals of the endangered species which have lost their habitat permanently or certain highly unfavorable conditions are present in their habitat. Biodiversity conservation is accomplished in a number of ways. The appropriateness of each is determined by the conservation context, the nature of the diversity to be conserved and the nature of the conserver. The factors responsible for the cause of changes in biodiversity are: Pollution; Invasive species; Overexploitation; Change in the climatic conditions; We all need to conserve biodiversity, as it leads to the conservation of essential ecological diversity to preserve the continuity of food chains. Bull. What is In-situ Conservation? The main functions of biodiversity reserves are: To ensure the conservation of ecosystem, species and genetic resources. Subject:Environmental Sciences Paper: Biodiversity and conservation. It is a special category of protected areas where human population also forms a part of the system. The conservation of biodiversity is achieved by two approaches – in situ and ex situ. 3. Seedbanks, botanical, horti… Ans. In order to ensure the maintenance of biodiversity, there is a need to employ complementary in situ and ex situ conservation. The terms have been chosen to support understanding of biodiversity and conservation issues, and terms relating to biodiversity loss are complemented by those relating to conservation responses supported by international conservation organisations, governments, scientists and business sectors. They are large protected area of usually more than 5000 Sukriti Singh A0523113081 BTBM/13/242 2. In situ conservation. The process of protecting an endangered plant or animal species in its natural habitat is commonly known as in situ conservation. It is the process of protecting an endangered species, variety or breed, of plant or animal outside of its natural habitat; for example, by removing part of the population from a threatened habitat and placing it in a new location, which may be a wild area or within the care of humans. In: Primack RB (ed) A Prim. Here cropping, forestry, recreation, fishery and other activities are allowed. It preserves species as well as their natural habitat. We all need to conserve biodiversity, as it leads to the conservation of essential ecological diversity to preserve the continuity of food chains. Food and Agriculture Organisation, Rome, Italy, pp 30–51. Here, animals and plants are reared or cultivated in areas like zoological or botanical parks. Genetic variability also is preserved by gene bank under normal growing conditions. Plant Conservation Strategy . Sukriti Singh A0523113081 BTBM/13/242 2. List of some major National Parks of India: Kanger Ghati National Park (Kanger Valley). In India, the 1st zoo came into existence at BARRACKPORE in 1800. Conservation of biodiversity and genetic resources helps protect, maintain and recover endangered animal and plant species. Their boundaries are well marked and circumscribed. The strategies for biodiversity conservation in Nepalese perspective has been listed below: ... Communities involvement in Biodiversity Conservation: As per rule, the forest and protected areas in Nepal are banned to public for collection of wood and fodder. Version 1. International Plan Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy, Cinner J, Marnane MJ, Mcclanahan TR, Almany GR (2006) Periodic Closures as Adaptive Coral Reef Management in the Indo- Pacific. The flora and fauna live in natural habitats without human interference. It is economic and a convenient method of conservation. Article 8 and 9 of the CBD set out guidelines for the use of in-situ and ex-situ measures, respectively. 1. 2. Buffer zone lies between the core and transition zone. As early as 1930, legislation was passed to prevent logging of four leguminous timber tree species; namely, supa ... One of the ten major strategies of the PSSD is biodiversity conservation. There is an urgent need, not only to manage and conserve the biotic wealth, but also restore the degraded ecosystems. Due to habit destruction and unfavorable environment conditions. Following are the important advantages of in-situ conservation: It is a cost-effective and a convenient method of conserving biodiversity. Reintroduction of an animal or plant into the habitat from where it has become extinct is another form of ex situ conservation. Biodiversity Conservation. 15. Principles of in situ and ex situ conservation of biodiversity. It is the process of protecting an endangered species, variety or breed, of plant or animal outside of its natural habitat; for example, by removing part of the population from a threatened habitat and placing it in a new location, which may be a wild area or within the care of humans. For instance, agricultural or domestic species may have evolved characteristic traits in human dominated environments. It is extremely useful for conducting research and scientific work on different species. Maintain intact (viable) landscapes - the intent of this strategy is to protect and improve the ecological integrity and long-term viability of the more intact (core) landscapes of the region. zoos, seed banks, captive breeding), the notion of in-situ conservation covers a broad spectrum of situations ranging from the establishment of a protected area to the design of a sustainable management strategy for a particular habitat. Subject:Environmental Sciences Paper: Biodiversity and conservation. Biodivers. In situ conservation. Long term culture of excised roots and shoots are maintained. Release of animals in a new locality which come from anywhere else. E-mail:; In situ and ex situ conservation of biodiversity for agriculture and forestry are complementary approaches. Ex situ conservation . Describe at least two approaches each for ex-situ conservation and in situ conservation as a strategy for biodiversity conservation. The metabolic activities of the organisms are suspended under low temperature, which are later used for research purposes. It means the conservation of biological diversity outside their natural areas 4. Pandey*2, Er. Currently, in-situ conservation of biodiversity in Sri Lanka heavily depends on the command and control methods. In-situ conservation, the conservation of species in their natural habitats, is considered the most appropriate way of conserving biodiversity. Biodiversity encompasses variety and variability of all forms of life on earth that play a great role in human existence. In-situ conservation aims to enable biodiversity to maintain itself within the context of the ecosystem in which it is found. (iii) Biosphere reserves, national parks and sanctuaries (iv) Sacred groves. The principles of IRDP, if adapted to the problems of in-situ conservation of biodiversity, can provide conservationists with welcome tools. Biol., 5th ed. This type of conservation is done at very low temperature (196°C) in liquid nitrogen. Various strategies are in use for biodiversity conservation such as in situ strategy, ex situ strategy, reduction of anthropogenic pressures, and rehabilitation of threatened species. Conserving the areas where populations of species exist naturally is an underlying condition for the conservation of biodiversity. Manag. Disclaimer 9. CONSERVATION OF BIODIVERSITY Protecting the loss of Biodiversity. When a species on which an animal is dependent becomes rare. This could be a natural habitat, or an environment heavily modified by human activity. T.N. Difference between “In-situ Conservation” and “Ex-situ Conservation” – Explained! A VARIOUS BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION STRATEGIES Jaydeep Purohit*1, Er. The lakes that are showing signs of eutrophication are being recommended for rehabilitation. When a species is endemic or restricted to a particular area. In-situ conservation is one of two basic conservation strategies, alongsideex-situ conservation. A. Ex-situ Conservation. The in-situ concept is best understood in contrast to ex-situ conservation. Biodiversity Strategy Action Plans. In-situ conservation, the conservation of species in their natural habitats, is considered the most appropriate way of conserving biodiversity. zoo, aquarium, botanical garden etc. Lacy R (2010) Re-thinking ex situ vs. in situ Species Conservation. Transition zone is the outermost part of biosphere reserves. In situ conservation 1. Conservation can broadly be divided into two types: In-situ conservation is on site conservation or the conservation of genetic resources in natural populations of plant or animal species, such as forest genetic resources in natural populations of tree species. Pandey*2, Er. Its primary focus is upon maintaining the health of the natural world, its fisheries, habitats, and biological diversity. In: FAO (ed) Second Rep. State world’s plant Genet. List any four techniques where the principle of ex-situ conservation of biodiversity has been employed. Ex situ Conservation. km. India be single of the recognized mega diverse countries of the world. Conserving the areas where populations of species exist naturally is an underlying condition for the conservation of biodiversity. These facilities not only provide housing and care for endangered species, but also have educational and recreational values for the society. Refer to protected areas and/or reserves, seed banks, botanic gardens, zoos, sperm banks. Humans have been directly or indirectly dependent on biodiversity for sustenance to a considerable extent. Seeds preserved under controlled conditions (minus temperature) remain viable for long durations of time. strategy relies on national parks and other protected areas - or unprotected areas with minimal human disturbance - to maintain the population sizes and structures necessary to protect genetic integrity in wild species or populations of wild relatives of crop plants. Both in situ and ex situ methods of biodiversity conservation are equally important. Culture of excised roots and shoots are maintained conservation measures are aimed at the surroundings where a target-species its... 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