They are hymns of the laity, describing with much beauty and depth of feeling the emotions of the pilgrim when his feet stood within the gates of Jerusalem, when he looked forth on the encircling hills, when he felt how good it was to be camping side by side with his brethren on the slopes of Zion (cxxxiii. Hardly more than a few words can be said to have been separated and translated with certainty - kalatoras (masc. Look at these examples to see how we can express different degrees of certainty about the future. The first led him into a teleological system so minute and overstrained as to defeat its own end; the second was successfully attained by giving greater precision and certainty to medical and surgical practice in difficult cases. By clicking "I Accept" or "X" on this banner, or using our site, you accept our cookie and privacy policy. Such was the method devised by Bacon, and to which he ascribed the qualities of absolute certainty and mechanical simplicity. The Bulgarian losses out of perhaps 110,000 combatants numbered 15,000; those of the enemy, whose force was probably rather less, are not known with certainty, but are supposed to have been about 25,000 inclusive of prisoners. Exemples (1) スミスさんは 食堂 に 行った かもしれません。 - Il se pourrait que Smith san soit allé à la cafétéria. That the standard edition was not the result of the critical investigation of existing materials may be assumed with some certainty. affirmed with certainty from the pages of the New Testament. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. It must be grounded in principles of assured certainty and must demonstrate its conclusions with the use of such middle or linking terms only as it is possible to equate with the real ground or cause in the object of knowledge. There is no certainty that even a very popular Labor government could turn around public opinion to secure a 'yes ' vote. higher degree of certainty. We could say the first sentence as a kind of comment on how dangerous it is to cycle in the city after this specific event. In the "Apologie de Raymund Sabunde," he has apparently amused himself with gathering together, in the shape of quotations as well as of reflections, all that can be said against certainty in aesthetics as well as in dogmatics. Of his personal history nothing is known, nor can his date be fixed with certainty. The Epistle of Jude cannot be either dated or localized with any certainty. "And whither," he adds, "can mankind so advantageously turn, in order to learn the proper means, and to form their minds to the proper habits, as to that branch of knowledge in which by universal acknowledgment the greatest number of truths have been ascertained, and the greatest possible degree of certainty arrived at ?". Their formation has been attributed to the effect of rotting vegetation on the rock, but without certainty. They claimed to have predicted what happened with a .css-1vwsgcv{box-sizing:border-box;color:black;font-weight:700;padding:0;background-color:transparent;position:relative;box-shadow:0px 3px 0px 0px #ffdb85;}higher .css-5j03av{box-sizing:border-box;color:black;font-weight:700;padding:0;background-color:transparent;position:relative;box-shadow:0px 3px 0px 0px #ffdb85;font-style:italic;font-weight:600;box-shadow:0px 3px 0px 0px #ffe5a8;}degree of certainty than, according to the record, they really did. Suspicion was easily aroused that a deep plot existed, of which Laud was believed to be the centre, for carrying the nation over to the Church of Rome, a suspicion which seemed to be converted into a certainty when it was known that Panzani and Conn, two agents of the pope, had access to Charles, and that in 1637 there was a sudden accession to the number of converts to the Roman Catholic Church amongst the lords and ladies of the court. Even now his very proximity still infused many Germans with the certainty of eventual victory. This is the first case in which the pollen-bearing organs of a Ptoridosperm have been identified with certainty It will be seen that, while the seeds of Lyginodendron were of an advanced Cycadean type, the microsporangiate organs were more like those of a Fern, the reproductive organs thus showing the same combination of characters which appears in the vegetative ct pc. This order can be traced with certainty back to the early Jurassic epoch, while the Permian fossil Eugereon, and the living order - specially modified in many respects - of the Thysanoptera indicate steps by which the aberrant suctorial and piercing mouth of the Hemiptera may have been developed from the biting mouth of primitive Isopteroids, by the elongation of some parts and the suppression of others. Of these, excluding Welsh ones, we may with some certainty identify Canterbury (Caint), Caerleonon-Usk, Leicester (Lerion), Penzelwood, Carlisle, Colchester, Grantchester (Granth), London, Worcester (Guveirangon), Doncaster (Daun), Wroxeter (Guoricon), Chester (Legion - this is Roman), Lichfield (Licitcsith) and Gloucester (Gloui). But elsewhere there are few passages in which the extremely recondite harmonic style can be with certainty traced to anything but habit. 23 a their retreat was not established with any degree of certainty for several days. strong: can/cannot should (not. It is now established, almost with certainty, that he returned to the neighbourhood of Paris; and it is supposed that his residence was known to the French ministers, who, however, firmly v. The theoretical question is consequently that of the nature of the supposed relation, and of the certainty of judgments and inferences resting on it. In his early essays he had rightly drawn the distinction between mathematical demonstration and philosophic proof, referring the certainty of the first to the fact that the constructions were synthetic in character and entirely determined by the action of constructive imagination. - The birth of Christ took place before the death of Herod, and the evidence of Josephus fixes the death of Herod, with some approach to certainty, in the early spring of 4 B.C. The date of his birth cannot be fixed with any certainty, but it was probably between 1030 and 1040. The speaker is … Like Brian Walton and John Mill before him, he had to encounter the opposition of those who believed that the certainty of the word of God was endangered by the importance attached to the various readings. 97.) Ludwig is the first sentence search engine that helps you write better English by giving you contextualized examples taken from reliable sources. b)Theycan’t be outside, because I came inside immediately. dogmatic certainty, nor vainly imagine such certainty to be attainable. Click on the button beside the correct answer. Many scholars are of opinion that the unknown author was a Sadducee, 1 but all that can be said with certainty is that he was a Palestinian Jew devotedly attached to the national cause. just: verb: He was just leaving. Were either of these identifications established, the date of composition might be referred with certainty to the beginning of the 14th century or the end of the 13th. As no Teutonic inscriptions are extant from before the 3rd or 4th centuries, it cannot be stated with absolute certainty what types of objects are characteristic of Teutonic civilization in the bronze and earliest iron ages. Surely, you are joking. A fine adjustment is also necessary, in order to perform conveniently and with certainty the slight motion of the microscope in relation to the object. Kant's problem is not, in its wording, very different from that which Locke set before him when he resolved to "inquire into the original, certainty and extent of human knowledge together with the grounds and degrees of belief, opinion and assent.". Of seventy-five hits on the hulls of the ships only five can with certainty be ascribed to projectiles from rifled guns, and thirty were unquestionably due to the old smoothbores, which were not provided with sights. The prime fact in philosophy was to him, as to Augustine and Descartes, the certainty of individual consciousness. 4) in dedicating the third Gospel to Theophilus tells him that his aim in writing the book was "that thou mightest have certainty in the things in which thou has been instructed" (Karnx1)07/s), and we are told that Apollos was instructed (KarrtXrtpEvoi) " in the way of the Lord" (Acts xviii. She watched him with the sickening certainty that if he got away she could never survive the years of suspense until his inevitable return. The Apologists themselves welcomed, and commended to others, the Christian revelation as affording a certainty of immortality such as reason could not give. For example, let's say a friend of ours was cycling in the city and had an accident. The precise mechanism of the process of setting of Portland cement is not known with certainty, but it is probably analogous to that of the setting of plaster of Paris, consisting in the dissolution of the compounds produced by hydration while they are in a more soluble form, their transition to a less soluble form, the consequent supersaturation of the solution, and the deposition of the surplus of the dissolved substance in crystals which interlock and form a coherent mass. - The evidence, summarized above, though very various and voluminous, is not yet sufficient to answer all the questions which may be asked as to the origin, nature and history of this civilization, or to answer any but a few questions with absolute certainty. Thus, for refined purposes, it cannot be assumed with any certainty that the instantaneous scale-value of the heliometer is known, or that it is a function of the temperature. in 1280, more certainty attaches to the fact that the order was in existence in 1336. Still it is impossible to say with certainty what decrees were actually passed at Vienne. This has generally been regarded as Plato's own work; but the certainty of this conclusion will be doubted by those who observe (I) the elaborate preparations made in the dialogue for a recital of the EpwrcKOS which shall be verbally exact, and (2) the closeness of the criticism made upon it. The Tories ' abiding belief that taxes are wrong springs from a moral certainty that the state itself does moral harm. Mortgage consultants will not be able to tell you with any certainty if rates are going up or down, but they may provide you with an educated guess if you ask. Equally impossible was it thenceforth to assert the mediate or immediate certainty of material substance as the cause either of events in nature or of sensations in ourselves. certainty being highly tipped as relegation certainties, Blues have gone all out to challenge this obvious misconception. The theory of plurality cannot indeed pretend to the certainty of the theory of unity, being of necessity untrustworthy, because it is the partial and inconstant representation of that which is partial and inconstant in nature. Finally the Deutero-Isaiah conveyed to captive Israel the message of Yahweh's unceasing love and care, and the certainty of their return to Judaea and the restoration of the national prosperity which Ezekiel had already announced in the earlier period of the exile. In fact, nothing whatever can be asserted with certainty in regard to God. Some adverbs of certainty go at the beginning of a sentence. High quality example sentences with “greater degree of certainty” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English I'll definitely be at the meeting, don't worry. Whether these changes in estrogen, progesterone, and serotonin are responsible for the emotional aspects of PMS was not, as of 2004, known with certainty. In other words, a critic may deliberately pronounce that what stands in the text represents what the author wrote or might well have written, that it is doubtful whether it does, that it certainly does not, or, in the last event, that it may be replaced with certainty by something that does. 0. Few events of his life are known to us with any certainty. Degree of certainty. The derivation and significance of the two names have been established with certainty. And this again is an equally sublime spiritual certainty that all men are comic. ), when a sense of Jehovah's forgiving grace and the certainty of the redemption of Israel triumphed over all the evils of the present and filled his soul with humble and patient hope. In the attempts to place existing creatures in approximately phylogenetic order, a striking change, due to a more logical consideration of the process of evolution, has become established and is already resolving many of the earlier difficulties and banishing from the more recent tables the numerous hypothetical intermediate forms so familiar in the older phylogenetic trees. "unwritten"), the name given to certain utterances ascribed, with some degree of certainty, to Jesus, which have been preserved in documents other than the Gospels, e.g. On Irenaeus, and probably also on Justin, Hippolytus drew for his Syntagma (beginning of the 3rd century), a work which is also lost, but can, with great certainty, be reconstructed from three recensions of it: in the Panarion of Epiphanius (after 374), in Philaster of Brescia, Adversus haereses, and the Pseudo-Tertullian, Liber adversus omnes haereses. The difficult subject of the classification of bacteria dates ' The difficulties presented by such minute and simple organisms as the Schizomycetes are due partly to the few " characters " which they possess and partly to the dangers of error in manipulating them; it is anything but an easy matter either to trace the whole development of a single form or to recognize with certainty any one stage in the development unless the others are known. Recent Examples on the Web As is often the case with disinformation, the strategy is to deliver it with a charade of certainty. In order to answer this question we must remember that there are many degrees of probability, and that induction, and therefore deduction, draw conclusions more or less probable, and rise to the point at which probability becomes moral certainty, or that high degree of probability which is sufficient to guide our lives, and even condemn murderers to death. Recent criticism has succeeded in answering this question with some degree of certainty. Maybe, she doesn’t like chocolate. This can be used with certainty to 02° C. for water down to 250 fathoms, after taking account of the slight disturbance produced by the expansion of the greatly compressed deep water. He is certainly a smart man. Cousin made no reply to Hamilton's criticism beyond alleging that Hamilton's doctrine necessarily restricted human knowledge and certainty to psychology and logic, and destroyed metaphysics by introducing nescience and uncertainty into its highest sphere - theodicy. Owing to the varying latitude of the ship, and the fact that the observer attempted to draw curves of equal brilliancy instead of the central line, the required conclusions cannot be drawn with certainty from these observations. The general form for using past modals is: modal + have + past participle. Duty must be accepted as a given certainty, or it is vindicated - unsatisfactorily enough, perhaps - in the way just explained. Maybe, I will go. Put “maybe” at the beginning of a sentence. It is with the other point of doctrine that Plato comes to grips, that which allows of a certainty or knowledge consisting in an analysis of a compound into simple elements themselves not known. the original Hieronymian text may be reconstructed with considerable certainty. The word has thus the general sense of "certainty"; we may, e.g., speak of a drug as an infallible specific, or of a man's judgment as infallible. Grammar expert Betty Azar explains that these modals tell us how sure speakers are about what they are … In England this revolt sought for the certainty and clearness that reason requires in the assurance of an outer world given to immediate sense experience; on the continent of Europe, in the assurance of an inner world given immediately in thought. As he did not believe in the existence of soul he had to modify the doctrine (see Buddhism). The clue of mathematical certainty is discarded in substance in the English form of " the new way of ideas.". as liberator of Bologna is ascribed to his hand, but not with certainty. Certainty factors – representing uncertainty ordinary probability associated with the frequency of reproducible events epistemic probability or the degree of confirmation it confirms a hypothesis based on some evidence (another example of the degree of likelihood of a belief. Hence this school of thought arose between the age of Isaiah and that of Jeremiah; but how long D itself may have been in existence before it was read in 622 to Josiah cannot be determined with certainty. They do not represent the opinions of Neither is it possible to discriminate with certainty the sketches intended for the Sforza monument from others which Leonardo may have done in view of another and later commission for an equestrian statue, namely, that in honour of Ludovico's great enemy, Gian Giacomo Trivulzio. Diagnostic tests tend to more invasive but are able to determine with more certainty that a fetus will be born with a certain condition. Delaying a decision so as to await medical certainty would be to render the process almost interminable: something no judge could sanction. He is probably in the park. indubitable certainty ' which claims to possess knowledge is all part of our alienation from God. It's a certainty that your startup will experience one or more small failures on the road to success, so you have to steel yourself for these negative events. It has been shown by means of spectroscopic observations that the green colour of the elytra, &c., is due to the presence of chlorophyll; and that the variations of the spectral bands are sufficient, after the lapse of many years, to indicate with some certainty the kind of leaves on which the insects were feeding shortly before they were killed. We may say with certainty that Laura's death, accompanied by that of so many distinguished associates, was the turning-point in Petrarch's inner life. The officer points out the folly of such a course, and the certainty that the republic, whose troops had triumphed over those of Prussia and Austria, will speedily disperse the untrained levies of Provence. His last choral composition which can be dated with any certainty was the Mass in C minor, written in 1802 for the name-day of Princess Esterhazy. Des représentants de l'industrie nous ont donné un certain nombre [...] d'exemples qui, à leur avis, démontrent que le système [...] prend trop de temps et n'offre pas un degré raisonnable de certitude. The field due to a coil can be made as nearly uniform as we please throughout a considerable space; its intensity, when the constants of the coil are known, can be calculated with ease and certainty and may be varied at will'through wide ranges, while the apparatus required is of the simplest character and can be readily constructed to suit special purposes. It is not easy to state with certainty the doctrines of a body which (in England at least) has never demanded subscription to any creed, and whose views have undoubtedly undergone more or less definite changes. and whether its teaching be theistic or pantheistic, pantheism or theism, whichever turns out victorious, must henceforth rank as a demonstrated certainty. The crisis of his mental conflict had just been passed in Tirol, and he was now beginning to let his creed grow again from the one fixed point which nothing had availed to shift: "The one great certainty to which, in the midst of the darkest doubt, I never ceased to cling - the entire symmetry and loveliness and the unequalled nobleness of the humanity of the Son of Man.". He is sick. Although the course of the later Roman walls is clear, we do not know with any certainty the position of the Roman gates. That the posterior margin of the wing yields to a slight extent during both the down and up strokes will readily be admitted, alike because of the very delicate and highly elastic properties of the posterior margins of the wing, and because of the comparatively great force employed in its propulsion; but that it does not yield to the extent stated by Marey is a matter of absolute certainty. Very little can be said with certainty about the distribution of the Tartarides. The saver provides certainty about how much a journey will cost. The York-Antwerp Rules have not only had the valuable result of introducing uniformity where there had been great variety, and corresponding certainty as to the principles which will be acted upon in adjusting any G.A. Certainty and legal protection were so essential that even villain holdings were treated as villain socage when legal protection was obtainable for it, as was actually the case with the peasants on Ancient demesne who could sue their lords by the little writ of right and the Monstraverunt. But intuitionalism claims to allege a higher certainty; everything (or every change) must have a cause - this is not merely actual fact but necessary truth. The duration of John's ministry cannot be determined with certainty: it terminated in his imprisonment in the fortress of Machaerus, to which he had been committed by Herod Antipas, whose incestuous marriage with Herodias, the Baptist had sternly rebuked. The Nuclei of the Lower Plants.It is only in comparatively recent times that it has been possible to determine with any degree of certainty that the minute deeply stainable bodies described more especially by Schmitz (1879) in many Algae and Fungi could be regarded as true nuclei. I have not that certainty of his continued existence which we call knowledge; though the great likelihood of it puts it past doubt. In the Lepidodendron fuliginosum of Williamson, shown by its leaf-bases to have been a Lepidophloios, the secondary wood is very irregular, and consists largely of parenchyma. The population of Pompeii at the time of its destruction cannot be fixed with certainty, but it may very likely have exceeded 20,000. Examples are provided in the domain of diabetic patients education. We may draw with some certainty the conclusion that a general movement southward of vegetation had been brought about. - lxvi., however, are not by Isaiah, but are the work of a prophet who wrote about 540 B.C., shortly before the conquest of Babylon by Cyrus, and whose aim was to encourage the Israelites in exile, and assure them of the certainty of their approaching restoration to Canaan. But on account of experimental errors in weighing and measuring, and through loss of material in the transfer of substances from one vessel to another, such analyses are rarely trustworthy to more than one part in about Soo; so that small changes in weight consequent on the chemical change could not with certainty be proved or disproved.